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ESO Imperial armor


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Hier solltest du schon mehr Glück haben als auf Scharesoft. Aber mach dir keine zu großen Hoffnungen, Armor requests werden praktisch nie umgesetzt. Kannst nur hoffen, daß einer der wenigen Armorspezialisten hier (wie z.B. Newermind) den gleichen Wunsch wie du hat.

Edited by Novem99
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the hard part is that we cant port the armor from ESO due to quality and engine differences so they have to be custom made from scratch for the most part. with how old Skyrim is though not a lot of armor modders are still around making stuff from scratch.

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Ja, auf Schare hat man warscheinlich weniger erfolg.


Yes I know emperors will, but its not the same, you know...Too bad, that beth won't allow to copy some part of another games. But i understand.

Hereis something like that, but its WIP and not avaible yet. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1497218-wip-04-teso-imperial-honor/

Edited by Lefuet006
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