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Do I have to read the whole board?


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I'm just now starting TES4 after playing Skyrim for the last 6 months. i modded Skyrim half to death and want to do the same with Oblivion.


My first problem is that OBSE says you have to use direct X 9. I have 11. Is this going to be a problem?


Also is there a thread that lists the "essential" mods?


I'll keep reading the forums but if someone can answer those two questions I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

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Most all of the stickied "This is how you ... " threads are pretty outdated, but you might get something out of them depending on your experience level. If modded the heck out of Skyrim means "I pushed the big green Download with Manager button with wild abandon" you may want to discredit a bit of your "experience" ... the big green button is more curse than savior here in Oblivionville.


That you can and are willing to read puts you lightyears ahead of most ... welcome to Oblivion.


Most of the best mods will have proper mod descriptions, outlining the mod requirements and install methods. Mod comments are an invaluable source of info on mods. If there have been problems with a mod you'll surely see it mentioned in the mod comments. Granted, many times those "negatives" are a result of people like the big green button crowd who can't or won't read and follow instructions. If you're a reader you'll quickly get a feel for what's underfoot before it smells up your own game.


What is an essentail mod? Essential implies such a personal thing ... how can one truly know another's essentials. We do have a list of popular mods, but for me most aren't essential.

Edited by Striker879
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Thanks guys. Just trying to get a feel for a starting place. I'm no power user by any stretch but I do like to know what I'm doing before pushing that big green button.


Mostly what I want to do is get the game looking as good as possible and keep it running smoothly.


(And yeah, the search feature here isn't always all that great)

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Here ... I left my Mr Smart*ss hat in last year's snowbank.


For characters (both NPCs and player) the current state of the art is undoubtedly Oblivion Character Overhaul v2. It has requirements (Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) and Blockhead), and they must be installed manually. Yes it still has limitations (sorry no magic bullet for the dreaded neckseam) but it brings the faces of Oblivion into this century.


I can't give you any first hand pointers on the game graphics improvements as my hardware isn't quite up to the task (Core2 Duo @ 3.0GHz saddled with only 2GB RAM and GTX275 with only 896 MB VRAM). I believe the newest and the one that pushes the boundaries the farthest is Oblivion Reloaded (it's what I'll be using when I get a more capable machine).


Game play-wise I think Maskars Oblivion Overhaul is the way to go. It's totally customizeable using it's different INI files to suit your exact tastes. If you've never played vanilla Oblivion before (on consoles for example) you should play without any overhauls, at least long enough to give yourself a point of reference as a starting point.


- Edit - In summary you only need to read half the internet to get started, and in this particular backwater only believe half of what you read (well if I'm the poster anyway).

Edited by Striker879
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Thanks Striker. Exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for.


I guess my roadblock right now is the DirectX 9 thing. If I install that does that mean I won't be able to use 11? Don't want to revert my whole system just to play an 8 year old game.

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Nope ... it will just enable ancient games like Oblivion to play on hardware that wasn't even dreamed of when it was last updated ('06 was the computer gaming equivalent of the dinosaur era ... especially when you look at hardware).


- Edit - And by "Nope" I mean yes your DirectX11 will still be there for your newer games ... clarity isn't always my strongest point. BTW, how are you doing on reading the first half of the internet?? I figured noonish my time should be long enough (well to read anything of value anyway).

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I think that the question about "essential" mods is a tad misguided. What anyone considers to be an essential mod will vary wildly from person to person. While I definitely vouch for the unofficial patches and Oblivion Character Overhaul, this is where things start to delve into personal opinion. What kind of mods did you use in Skyrim? Immersion mods? Weather and lighting overhauls? Armor mods? I've found that my modding preferences between games tend to be identical. Starting with mod types that you already have an interest in is probably a better launching point than anything else.

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I play around with all kinds of mods. Anything that makes the characters and armor look better,


I use UNp bodies, character creation, ZAZ animations, light weight potions, rich merchants and really anything to improve the game play.

Edited by Boutte1
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