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Random Story Game


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This is how it works. I start us off with a story of randomness, and every post from there on continues it bit by bit. But this takes a bit of thinking because you have to keep the flow of the story, which is nothing but randomness. This is a project I want to do to see what people say. Express yourself and your creativity, but most of all, although being random, show who YOU are with the randomness.





There once was a zombie who loved to eat his monkey flavored wonder bread. This zombie, although slightly English, was not at all from England, even in his genetics, despite being completely British. When he ate his monkey flavored wonder bread he always thought of raping a motorcycle using only a toothpick and fourteen cigarette shaped mountains. But he never did it, because it's illegal for zombies to use mountains at all ever since the Great Zombie Mountain rebellion that happened near the end of Deadly Worm eras. But all was okay, because today was the day that he was finally going to get his green card to be approved to rot in the United States. It was hard, because they have such a lot of decomposing in today's society, and they no longer really want any more dripping flesh from the fake-tards of the modern day banana. (which is always less annoying when peanut butter is applied, massaged smoothly using a plunger.)


Well, later that day he had to give birth to his girlfriend, whom consisted of nothing but burning rubber and toilet paper rolls shaped to look like Jessica Alba. Whoever that guy is. His girlfriend was excited that he came over after giving birth to her through the usual methods of running over a dead kitten forty times on accident and then immediately taking care of it for three more weeks until it finally stop being useful as a holder for his smokes. It was a tedious and horribly annoying process, and she understood that. They spent the day together at the Question Mark hall, which was of course shaped like a watermelon on steroids, so it looked more similar to nothing like steroids nor a watermelon. It was a happy day at somewhere else that isn't a watermelon which I just mentioned, and the zombie's feet were so sore by the end of the day that they looked like clown feet, if it weren't for them being so small because he's Asian and not British. And he finally went to bed in the bathtub at a random person's closet in a different city where there are significantly more illegal popcorn aliens.


When he finally woke up and ate thirteen baby flavored babies he remembered that there was still a bit of massacre he forgot to do, so he promptly went to a woman's shelter and burned a hospital with a copy of the Titanic on DVD. He accidentally cut his already existing gaping wound from last year and saw that his leg was going to be severed soon the wound on his finger was starting to get infected.




THE PINEAPPLE MAN! Yes, it was the gigantic miniature of a life sized monocle! It returned from the previous post about banning people. So when the clown juggled, the monocle got the flame thrower and told the zombie that his rent... WAS DUE! Quickly the shotgun balloon was dissolving the coat rack, and there was little time for the bunny to get to the green fields, so, in a hurried jump, the vanilla trashcan broke an old man's hip.




After another four hundred and twenty thousand more record players went on, the dog leaped into the air and bit the mean growbliegoo in the hair........

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Even by my crazy standards, Renokoa, this is a little too much of the amazingly crazy side. As Spock would say, fascinating but mayhaps a little too disturbing to overly sensitive souls such as myself to be adding to it. It could give me nightmares.


Perhaps, and this is but a hopefully positive suggestion, the start of a random story might be, just might be, even could be, perhaps, a little more standard and simple......


:yes: :D :P :no: :sad: :nuke: :sick: :woot: :devil: :teehee: :tongue: :wallbash: :turned: :verymad: :thumbsup: :confused: :whistling:


Otherwise just fab, fantastic, fabulous and fashionable, yes, and fascinating of course.

Edited by Maharg67
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[Out of Storyline Text] Hmmm.. That's an odd way to be continuing the story Graham. I also take it you either had a stressful day, or not a lot of sleep. You seem very tired in that reply, as well, there is more of an underlying tone of unsettlement within your sentences, judging purely, of course, from past responses and the inconsistency in which this presents. I hope all is well, my friend!


Fascinating as it was, Spock did also mention that the pizza was a little too late, and because of this had to return his sweater as there were not enough razor blades in the sleeves....

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Out of Storyline Text] fricken a, even my insanity had trobble copeing with the utter random ness that was "THE PINEAPPLE MAN"


a sponge appeared and cut through the air with a golden spatchular and the razorblades were replaced with banna's shaped like stars with apple centers.......

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At that moment, fourteen Monkey Ninjas came by and assassinated Spock for his sweater as they loved Bananas rather than Razorblades. (In the year 1322, the Monkey Emperor had stated that Razorblades, although deliciously tasting like pennies if suckled upon for long enough, were not up to par with their religion, Cathchrismuslibuddhijews, that believed that every other religion were actually nothing more than skittles that seceded from the Rainbow Country.) But, unfortunately, when they bit into the first banana....
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it exploded into rainbow coloured peach juice, splashing them into moments of stained inequality so that they ran laughing and sobbing to the nearest post office where they hoped to buy rare but edible postage stamps of Queen Elizabeth III playing soccer with three identical twins who were brothers not just to each other but to a large apple flavoured robot that trundled with much clicking, humming and farting across the big front garden of the Man Who Said No to Everything. What now robot, what are your plans for the future in which...
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[Out of Story Text] :D Graham! Not only was that brilliant but hilarious and wonderful. Keep it coming! :)


What now robot, what are your plans for the future in which...


you have so tried to prevent the VCR people of Technophobe Planet 37 to rule?! The robot paused, looking at the Man Who Said No to Everything. In a slow, articulate and careful manner. elaborating everything plainly. "No."


In a fit of rage at the denial that made no sense towards the subject at hand, and immediately threw a paperclip at him, which exploded and destroyed the Man Who Said No to Everything. Without realizing it, the robot himself melted in a fury of cuddly pandas as the paperclip he threw was actually the pin to a Cutenade, stored in the core of a different robot that has yet to be built and doesn't even exist on this planet.




It started to rain. The forty thousand and 24 Comfort Inn Hotel maids all look with astonishment as they had realized they lost their job cleaning the feces of the robot's pet rock's pet seashell. It wasn't long before...

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intermission.... please wait the annoucer speeks loudly as a curtan falls down accross the screen of the television. dam chicken bisness says the turky with its head cut off feathers plucked and ready to roast the trobble is that it needs stuffing, and as the turkey points one of its plucked wings towards the screen and says "the united states of universeisum needs you".......
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to go forth and multiply numbers only starting with seven and ending in dandruff that floats down from the sky like snow over the city of Old New York of England is the best country in the world of wonders found only in the back of an old wardrobe at 75 Early Bird Street which is an area well known for its cottage cheese apartment blocks and a living statue of GI Joe riding his armoured tricycle into battle against the Mickey Mouses of Disneyland in Florida or is that California or is that in China somewhere near that long big wall that holds back the tide of barbarians such as Avon Ladies, bicycle riding monkeys and ....
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Lesbian nudists, who complain about men and beards in particular. But they have jumped said wall with ninja like reflexes only to be met with a resurrected man who continually said no to the invasion of the ninja killer lesbian nudists, bicycle riding monkeys and Avon ladies, who couldn't accept the flurry of no's from the man who said no to everything.

The battle raged on. As the man lost his voice he was tricked into finally buying a calendar with some postage stamps made out of peanut butter so it wouldn't taste so bad when he licked them. unfortunately for the Avon ladies, just before the transaction was made a big flying saucer came from bellow the seas were it laid waist to the peanut butter stamps and calender, mainly to upset the man who said no to everything as he would just not accept that he couldn't buy said things so he ran as fast as he could to the middle of a big yellow surf board and he drew a small hole in the sky with his knee, he points towards the middle of the hole and screams "CHEEEEESE!!!!"

and farts really loud at some old ladies who can't help but stare at the big cheese coming from the hole he just drew in the sky with his knee.


"OI YOU DIRTY RASCAL", screams the old lady with a bag full of spearmint and bubble wrap, "I am going to.......

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