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teach you a lesson in manners', and she draws a big Dirty Harry revolver out of her hat and fires it off with a terrible boom so that from its huge gaping barrel explodes a great big Xmas pudding that bounces off his rather thick head and, hurling up to the sky, knocks away the big cheese before it can fall on the world to crush many lemons into lemonade that needs to be chilled and put into giant glass jugs to be nicely poured into polished prechilled tall glasses and drunken by knock kneed protectrons, football playing supermutants and a Daedric Goddess called Doris. Realising that he has forgotten the ten O'Clock appointment, he has only three thousand years to make it in time, he spends thirty-three years rushing to get ready by building a nice new pair of trousers wwith red bricks and grey cement, growing golden hair on his head aand practicing to play the Martian three nostril nose flute that looks like a ...
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