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Furry Race Mods


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(Like, say, Project Moreau; a pre-war US Army project to create a new human-animal species to be made into special purpose soldiers)


The will might not be, but Lore would tend to support you.


There was actually a Dr Moreau involved in the creation of the Deathclaws... in his final iteration of them, they were able to talk as a Parot would, and even learn as well as a small child. They're not furries... more scalies. But who is to say his techniques were not picked up, or that his process (which involved FEV) did not run away from him and infect other creatures, making them man-sized and intelligent.

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  • 2 months later...
It looks like interest is lost on this, but I can still help if any one needs it. I sculpt, model, rig, and animate. I can texture but I rely on the UV master plugin for zBrush which I don't own and have limited access to. And as well, I use MAYA and Sculptris, neither of which support .nif, or .kf files, so any work I do would have to be converted to .nif formats, and I'm unfamiliar with the sort of modular rigging and body part creation of the gamebryo fallout engine. To further add to the complication I only have FO3 for the xbox, which you can't mod but I do have fallout new vegas and if it were simple replacer stuff it could be ported to FONV.
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Export the mesh from Maya as an OBJ, import into NifSkope, then import the NIF file into Blender for weighting.


Weighting... Like skin weights weighting? Or is it another term for Blender. (I'm no good with blender)

Also, how does gamebryo take the skeletons? And the body, I'll have to divide it up correct?

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I'm a modeler. If you can use the G.E.C.K. to add in new races. I can get you models. Hell I all ready have them, check my gallery at www.taurni.sofurry.com WARNING content is mixed SFW and NSFW

If you're still available, I'm more then willing to add the races.


I have quite a bit of experience with the G.E.C.K, although I havent done a whole lot of races.


I personally am looking for a otter, but thats probably not going to happen.

Edited by Heartliss
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