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Oblivion Or World Of Warcraft


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I didn't expect any different answers... Of course! This is a forum about oblivion! When people go to the thread, they certainly like Oblivion, why else are they here? If you would ask this question on a WoW forum, you would get more "WoW is much better!" replies.


Would be fun to try, where is the largest WoW forum? :rolleyes:


I think it's more like WoW just sucks so much that even a mediocre game like Oblivion beats it. Lesser of two evils and all that.



In Oblivion, multiplaying is free.

In WoW, it's 9 Euro a month.


I guess "does not exist to spend money on" is a kind of free?

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I didn't expect any different answers... Of course! This is a forum about oblivion! When people go to the thread, they certainly like Oblivion, why else are they here? If you would ask this question on a WoW forum, you would get more "WoW is much better!" replies.


Would be fun to try, where is the largest WoW forum? :rolleyes:


I think it's more like WoW just sucks so much that even a mediocre game like Oblivion beats it. Lesser of two evils and all that.



In Oblivion, multiplaying is free.

In WoW, it's 9 Euro a month.


I guess "does not exist to spend money on" is a kind of free?



This comes close to multiplayer though. Who knows....

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It's sorta hard to compare other then they are both RPGs.


World of Warcraft is baced for Multiplayer, so it has more multiplayer features then singleplayer.


Things I do like about it is its creation, you can create items, but i'm sure this will be added to oblivion in some kind of mod. I also like it's multiplayer :P.


Where as oblivion is a singleplayer game so it's baced to be only one player so killing will be eaiser(It can be manipulated thow). I like it's character customization, it's individual armor models and that fact that you can mod it.


All and all I think Oblivion is better.

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I couldn't say one is "better" than the other, even thought I do play both. There's just too many different aspects to each game to compare them, despite that they are both RPG's. In Oblivion, I enjoy doing basically anything I want. No other game gives such a freedom in how to develop a character. With WoW, I love being able to play with a bunch of friends and slay monsters or beat back the Alliance, in a series I've adored since the original Warcraft. To myself, there's not a better multiplayer experience in the entire gaming world (I can't stand FPS's, and even strategy games get on my nerves sometimes).


I still play WoW more, just because I'm finding I can entertain myself longer. Oblivion can get kind of monotonous when you can kill most things in one hit.


I enjoy both. I could care less if one's "better" than the other. I'm not going to deprive myself because I like something a little less than another thing. That's why I break out my Gamecube every once in a while to play again (I'm still loving RE4).

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  • 11 months later...
hi i think oblivion is bebtter than wow coz u hav to pay every month for wow when oblivion has better graphics and it is more adventurous
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I have a friend who spent some $300+ on fake money in WoW. No game on the market is worth that.


I have a bit of a thing against pay-per-month games in general, though, not just WoW. IMHO, that is why they're addictive- because if you're constantly sinking money into a game, you want to get your money's worth so you play it often. Once you've sunk that much time and money into the game, you can't stop because you'll feel like you wasted it all. WoW is particularly bad because there's so little to do other than grind away levels- and once you've spent that much time doing essentially nothing, you can't help wanting to stick with it until you get something in return.


I detest the idea of 'renting' play-time for a game I've already purchased, so I scorn pay-per-month games. Nobody bother spouting that crap about constant community support and server time- there are freeware games that have better community support than most MMOs and the company makes more than enough money off the initial sales figures of a popular game to support its servers for years even without monthly fees. One also must consider that when the company responsible for supporting the game decides to drop support and move on, you're dead out of luck- all your hard work and invested time and money go up in smoke.


For me at least, the decision isn't a hard one to make. I love multiplayer games, but I detest the sorts of communities (if you can call them that) which grow around games like WoW and its ilk, and I detest the notion of sinking a constant stream of money into a game that will give me diminishing returns over time anyway. I'll stick with off-line or co-op/small-scale multiplayer games for my fix.


In short, don't bother with WoW. Oblivion, with all its potential for mods and expansion, will easily provide as many hours of enjoyment as an MMO would (and probably less frustration with idiots), cost a lot less over time, and will always be available to you no matter what happens to Bethesda.

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WoW? Are you kidding me? Grind until lvl 70, then what? Theres no story, and its just the same ol quests over and over. Zone changes are like night and day, 'Look at me, im in the desert,'...... 10 steps away.....'look at me im in a tropical rain forest.' No immersion at all. Also, if your a pally, for example, other pallies you meet have a very high chance to be the same spec as you, so your not unique in anyway. The only thing its good for is racing friends to the lvl cap, if you manage to hold out that long. Me, I could only stomach it until lvl 67, i really wanted to make lvl 70, but i loathed the grind everytime i logged on until i just gave up. Guild Wars is much better than WoW imo. Theres a story line, plus the pvp is one of the best in the genre. The fact that you can only equip 8 skills for a battle means its more about skill, not about how lucky youve been with armor and weapon drops.


But Oblivion is in a class of its own. The immersion of the game surpasses any other that if played. Morrowind comming in second. There are flaws and grips by ppl, but you cant make everyone happy, they all have their own visions of what the perfect game is.


As for the inventory, i think it should be a combo of both, a max amout you can carry both by weight and slots.

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