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Need help scripting.


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Okay, so here's my predicament. People all over do all this quest scripting and acts as if it's nothing but I have not even the most basic insight on how to begin scripting. I'm currently downloading like a 100-200 page PDF file on understanding papyrus and how to script, but for the time being I'd like to know how to script the function, so when you open a book a quest starts. I have no clue how to script and have very little experience making quests, I'm more advanced at creating worldspaces. If anyone could please explain to me how to create and script a quest that begins when you read a book I'd be grateful. Preferably easy to understand step-by-step instructions, because I have no clue what I'm doing.

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Edit the book record

Add a new script -- give it a name and extend ObjectReference, leave all other fields blank.

Edit the new script -- paste the following code below the automatically generated ScriptName line

Quest Property myQuest  Auto  

event onRead()

Compile (Build) the script

Save (File, Save) the script

Exit (File, Exit) the script editor

Highlight the script on the book record

Press the properties button

Highlight the Quest property

Assign the quest on the right hand side -- Alternatively change myQuest in the code to the same ID Name as your quest, then you may use the Auto-fill button to automatically assign the property.

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