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Furniture interactiva animations , possible?


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Is there a tutorial ? Is it possible at all?


I mean something as simple as sitting on a chair or operating the lever or pulling the wheel for the grain powder making ...


I was thinking to make a rowboat animation . I know how to animate in 3d external program but not how to implement ingame and make it interact with a character animation ...

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Well, speaking from the direction of having absolutely no clue of how to implement this-

It is most definitively possible. Bethesda managed to add certain animations to furniture, sitting on a chair, pulling lever, etc... If in any way this is locked off (or something).
I don't suppose one could script this? Animation activates when player activates referenced object- and go from there.

Rowboats I believe have been attempted before, so it is most likely possible, though they have a habit of taking in a lot of water.

I am posting this knowing full well that I got absolutely nothing worthwhile to add on the topic of 'how to' implement, but just to state to the obvious, it is 'Likely' possible :)

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Yes it is absolutely possible - I've been working on a mod that does this for several months now, basically it is a fully animated player house where many objects and furniture trigger animations or small scenes. I'm almost done and will upload it as soon as I'm finished testing it. But I've been mostly using Vanilla animations.


Something as simple as having an actor sit on an object - say a static rock - only takes to add a trigger to the rock, place an invisible sit furniture marker where you want your character to sit and add a script to your trigger to activate the furniture marker as a linked ref. You can do it on anything you want.


You can find all animations' ID in the CK under "Gameplay" - that'll give you the Idle and AnimationEvents ID's. Many of them can be added directly to a basic chair marker - or triggered through scripts. The only tricky thing with the furniture markers is that player actually activates most of them twice, a first time when entering the furniture and a second time when leaving it, whereas NPCs don't: they activate it only once when entering.


If you want to create a custom animation and implement it in game, the real expert here is Fore though.

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None that I know of. Creating a brand new piece of furniture is fairly simple to attach to a furniture marker but implementing a custom non-replacer animation to it, haven't tried that.

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You might have to go the FNIS route. I vaguely recall certain change log entry mentioned furniture related animation. I did a quick google search and got me a few links to possible tutorial. Cannot post it here because of banned site restriction.


Hope it helps.

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You probably have no choice but synchronize both animations, for the character and the rudder.


There is no example in Skyrim, but theoretically it is possible with HBT to implement hand IK (similar to the foot IK which keeps the foot close to the ground). That would let the hand, arm, and so on follow a grip position. I had this discussion with Zartar before. He was looking into it, but couldn't make it work.


An option would also be to make the rudder an AnimObject, separate from the rest of the boat. But that is extremely hard to make so the joint between rudder and boat will always be at the same place.


And for the furniture animation I can only point to FNIS again. FNIS can furniture animations. And the FNIS modders' doc tells you how to add furniture animations to FNIS and CK. Or you have to modify behaviors. But I don't know of anyone who has done that.

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Yes, that's a typical furniture animation. It handles the CraftingBlacksmithSharpeningWheel furniture.


The animation in the CK you can find under ActionActivate -> ActivateRootChar -> CHair -> BlackSmithSharpeningWheelRoot.


In principle you can define such animation with FNIS, including the AnimObject (IronSword). However there are some pecularities, which are are specific to this animation, and which cannot be implemented with FNIS. There is a blending construct which seems to have to do with the way the camera is used. And this is probably what is interesting you. This includes a clipgenerator called SharpeningWheelCamera, which blends an animation BlacksmithSharpeningWheelSpin.HKX


In the process of the animations are some events created which are nowhere read by any (other) behavior file. Usually an indication that these are only interpreted by the engine.


So in short. Yes, it's a furniture animations. But apparently with some work-around in the engine.

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