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Am I allowed to...


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Do not solicit services from other Nexus members in exchange for monetary compensation or promise of such compensation in connection with content that falls within the scope of a game publishers EULA. For example, this means that you may not recruit modders with the promise of monetary compensation to create a custom .ESP file for you or alter game content that is subject to Bethesdas EULA governing the use of their assets and the Creation Kit.


Basically: No, you can't.

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Wait what? So users can "donate" to modders but they cannot offer money to create a mod?

How is that any different?


Btw Ive seen multiple cases where voice actors get paid for their voice acting for certain mods.

Granted voice files are not under the Bethesda's EULA, but they do get implemented in the Creation Kit and then used in the .ESP file.

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So users can "donate" to modders but they cannot offer money to create a mod?

i believe the answer is as simple as the fact that they are not making money. this isnt a job and they are not expecting any money out of it. if someone likes the modders work enough and thinks "hmm i want to see this guy make more stuff, i'lll just give him/her a few bucks to help them deal with personal things so they can spend more time modding." than i dont see what's wrong with that. where as working for money is against the rules and promising a donation is the same as paying for work to be done.

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Either way, I was surprised that donations are even allowed to begin with, its like opening Pandora's Box and who knows how it will evolve since neither the moderators here nor Bethesda can verify anything because they have no access to bank accounts.



they are not making money. this isnt a job

You really think that those popular mods with 10+k endorsements that allow for donations are not making money? I agree that is isn't a job but donations are only here for one purpose...to make money, and the better and more popular your mod is the more money you will make.

If you make really good mods you might as well call modding your job and you can expect that this is what the modding community will turn into if things like donations are becoming the norm.

And instead of a community that is modding for fun and shares their knowledge with each other, the community will slowly turn into a competitive and asocial "thing" that keeps things a secret from each other...


Imo they should just ban donations all together(or any other form of monetary transferal regarding modding), it just doesn't make any sense and goes against everything that an open modding community stands for since it only promotes modders to stop sharing their knowledge and assets with the rest.


Money corrupts everything and these donations are just the first step.

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If you make really good mods you might as well call modding your job and you can expect that this is what the modding community will turn into if things like donations are becoming the norm.



I'm not sure I completely agree with you, I doubt even the modders with 10-k endorsements make enough money from modding to pay their bills or support a family. I've always thought of modding as volunteer work, I'll work hard, and offer my work out there for free. But I don't expect to make anything from it, and if somebody says "Hey I support this guy, and whether he makes anything in the future or not, I want to let him know I support his work." and chips me five bucks or so, I don't see the harm in it.


So long as I am not forced to pay to play a mod, I do not see how the opportunity to pay for a mod should be banned.Though I could be wrong

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Yeah I don't think anyone makes that much money off donations to support themselves. I only asked the question because the best castle mod on the site (Become King of Riverhelm) is broken (many deleted navmeshes) and the author quite modding and I just don't know of anyway to fix it, thus this the post.


Am I allowed to "ask" for someone to fix another authors mod? Or is that frowned on?


Fixing deleted navmeshes shouldn't be too difficult - granted they're not all over the place. However even if I could do that I would still have to reach the creator regarding posting those fixes to the site.

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