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SKSE Resolution Troubles


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My GPU's fans are currently broken, and i can't afford to buy a new GPU for a while.
(GTX 560 Ti Overclocked)

So if i want to play skyrim at a fair graphic, i got to have the settings at

  • Resolution 1600 x 900
  • Graphic at lowest

I have the SKSE thing installed so i can run SKYui "safetly" BUT.
Whenever i launch the "skse_loader" it turns my resolution to my default resolution which is 1920 x 1080

My GPU get's really warm if the resolution is sat at that, and the next thing is that it will turn off, because of overheating.

So is there anyone who maybes knows a way to change the resolution via SKSE? I tried serching on google, and other forums, but no one has the answers i need. Hope someone here does.

. Louis

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Before you smoke your card ..have you looked into a Fan replacement, for about $12.00??


Was it an EVGA card ?..Life time warranty FTW. I only buy EVGA.

Yeah, but the only one that seems to fit an gtx 560, is like this brick of an replacement. And i don't wanna screw something up while replacing all the things..


Atm, i am using an ACTUAL fan, like those one you use when it's too warm. (I know, ghetto af)


But isn't there a way to like, change the resolution via skse?

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IT should change when you set it from the original launcher. Then right click the Skyrimprefs.ini and set it to read only.


You can manually set the resolution in the Skyrimprefs.ini also.


iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920
Change the above lines...IF you are using MO, the INI files are in the "Profiles" folder you are currently using.
And , no not ghetto...any air movement will help.. :smile:
EDIT:, heck set the entire computer to 1600x900...(Change desktop resolution). then run the launcher it should use what the computer is set to.
Edited by camaro_69_327
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IT should change when you set it from the original launcher. Then right click the Skyrimprefs.ini and set it to read only.


You can manually set the resolution in the Skyrimprefs.ini also.


iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920
Change the above lines...IF you are using MO, the INI files are in the "Profiles" folder you are currently using.
And , no not ghetto...any air movement will help.. :smile:
EDIT:, heck set the entire computer to 1600x900...(Change desktop resolution). then run the launcher it should use what the computer is set to.


Hmm, there just one problem when i sat the skyrimprefs settings at 1600 x 900. And that's i'm left wiht alot of black space. Like the game picture itself is 1600 x 900, but my screen is still sat at 1920 x 1080...

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IT should change when you set it from the original launcher. Then right click the Skyrimprefs.ini and set it to read only.


You can manually set the resolution in the Skyrimprefs.ini also.


iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920
Change the above lines...IF you are using MO, the INI files are in the "Profiles" folder you are currently using.
And , no not ghetto...any air movement will help.. :smile:
EDIT:, heck set the entire computer to 1600x900...(Change desktop resolution). then run the launcher it should use what the computer is set to.


Whops, i forgot to meantion that i am trying to avoid to set my dekstop resolution at 1600 x 900 :/


But i really do appriciate you trying to help!

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IT should change when you set it from the original launcher. Then right click the Skyrimprefs.ini and set it to read only.


You can manually set the resolution in the Skyrimprefs.ini also.


iSize H=1080
iSize W=1920
Change the above lines...IF you are using MO, the INI files are in the "Profiles" folder you are currently using.
And , no not ghetto...any air movement will help.. :smile:
EDIT:, heck set the entire computer to 1600x900...(Change desktop resolution). then run the launcher it should use what the computer is set to.


Wauw okay, i feel stupid now. You know the "OneTweak" Mod?


I have that installed, and i first memorized now.. I went into the config settings of that file, and sat the "#Enable Borderless window" to false.. And then it work.. So all you said works fine!


It's only when i enable borderless via the mod it dosen't. So if you maybe know a way to have borderless, and 1600 x 900 resolution, it would be awesome :D


Btw, thanks! :). I had problems with this even before i installed the OneTweak mod

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