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CBBE, Bodyslide, and HDT headache!


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I've spent hours attempting to apply HDT Breast and Butt physics to my characters while they're wearing armor but have had no luck. I'm using Caliente's CBBE, ALSL Bodyslide presets and trying to get the Breast and Butt Physics working on the CBBE compatible immersive armors as well as other modded armors. XP32 Maximum Skeleton is on there and so is Killer Keos CBBE armor replacer.


After hours I decided to play around with the Bodyslide program and all I ended up doing with that was putting underwear on all my female characters. I've searched for a cohesive guide but all I can find just list a couple of things you can do and there's so much that has to be done together.


Does anyone know how to make Breasts and Butts jiggle under armor and does anyone know how to take off the underwear that the bodyslide put back on?


Thanks in advance and I apologize for my lack of adeptness in this field.

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When you BatchBuild, uncheck the options that you don't want - by default, all options are checked, and BodySlide will generate them in the order they are on the list. You can right-click the window and 'Select None' to make it easier if you only have a couple of things you want BodySlide to generate meshes for.

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No. Open BodySlide, click on BatchBuild (you can cancel it before it generates any meshes), then scroll down the list. BatchBuild creates meshes for everything checked on that list, according to the preset selected. It creates meshes in the order they are in the list.


If you want HDT for the nude body only, then you don't select BatchBuild at all. Just select the 'CBBE Body HDT' in the Outfit/Body drop-down, select your preset, then click on Build. Done.


If you want HDT for everything it can be applied to, then you hit BatchBuild, and uncheck everything you don't need. You want HDT, so unchecking everything that doesn't have 'HDT' on the end would be a good start. You also want a nude body, so unchecking the underwear options is another thing you should do.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm trying to figure this out too. I have a couple questions.


First, after hitting Batch Build there are some things listed that don't look like armor, such as CBBE Body, CBBE Body HDT, etc. Why are they listed?


Second, the armors listed there, how are they there? What I mean is, for example, Killer Keos CBBE armors are not listed. Why not? And what has to be done to get them all listed to batch?


Thanks in advance

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  • 4 months later...

How do you turn the figure around to construct how you want the backside to look in the Bodyslider? I don't see an option, button... and, when I go to drag it, thinking I can rotate it that way, it only goes off the template... Am I missing a mod that allows such a thing, or am I not seeing something? Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.


Update... nvm... fingered it out. Click below the figure and drag it as if rotating it...

Edited by Psalms139
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  • 2 years later...

Hey so, before I even started modding I got my body stuff working. Here is the short explanation for the load order of it:


1) Character texture changes

--CBBE goes here


--Face stuff

2) Animations go here (unless instructed otherwise) You want to avoid overwriting XPMSE so this helps with that


3)Then it's your skeleton stuff in this order:

--Realist Ragdolls and Force


4)Bodyslide goes next

5)HDT stuff goes here, patches textures and everything

--I've found issues with the HDT CBBE Texture pack so i removed it and my textures work fine




So now that you have the load order in a way that will work (correct me if I'm wrong anyone)


Run bodyslide.exe

in the top left (outfit boddy) you select the HDT body for the first dropdown

under that (preset) the body type you chose


Click on the search tab directly next to those drop menu's (not the outfit filter, the the outfit groups or whatever)

select and ONLY select the outfits you want.

Batch build



Make sure you have racemenu to play around with bodyslide.

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  • 1 year later...
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