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Getting blender to export NIF


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OK, I have installed blender, pyfii, python, nifskope, and nif scripts, IT DOESNT WORK.


Everytime I try and export it I get an error like "python script error, check console" I look at console "no module named nif_common" I had some errors during install where it said "error opening file for writing" and gave name, I had it ignore. I am guessing that is the issue.


Can I get some help?

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Did you install them by yourself? Meaning...Have you installed a package here from tesnexus/falloutnexus. Or did you download and install them on your own?

If you did the latter you might have struck on an incompatibility. If you read the instructions at these filepages you can see how to install them properly.

The best thing is to get rid of all other versions of the programs before doing that.

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Yep, download Blender from here and follow the step-by-step instructions...but make sure all versions have been removed first.


The software on that page and the instructions for installation will work for XP, Vista, Win7 in 32-bit or 64-bit mode...but Blender and related software have to be 32-bit (which they are in the download)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed python

What version of python and what operating system are you using?


tried to install blender, it has an error opening scripts for writing.

Again, what version did you install? Are you using the programs from the link I provided earlier?


As far as an error goes, we certainly cannot use Google to search the Internet for a possible answer if you do not give us the EXACT error message (NOTE: This can be done by anyone including yourself). If you paraphrase or use contractions that were not used and such, a Google search may not find the correct pages.


Any help that can be provided would be nice.

Anyone can throw out random guesses about what might fix your problem but to actually fix your problem, you have to provide the detail necessary to fix your problem. Keep in mind that it is quite possible nobody has experienced the problems you are having and would have to "guess" what you did wrong or how your system is configured that prevents it from working.



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You are missing a module named nif_common because it wasn't created during the installation. If the re-installing doesn't work, you could probably fix the problem by downloading the source for the NIF scripts and copy pasting "nif_common.py" to your Blender scripts directory. (In [blender dir]\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\) You won't have to worry about compiling that particular file because Python is an interpreted language.


However, there may be more missing files. If the installer failed to install this particular file, it probably failed to install some others. It's worth a try though.

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My guess is that he has Vista or Win7 and installed it to the default folder...but I'd rather not waste time theorizing about all the different possibilities when he can simply tell us.
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Actually I have Windows XP. I will try that, come back, edit this post, and list (in great detail) the error messages.


I used the stuff from that link, py 2.6.5, blender 2.49b, etc, etc.


lets see.... installing blender and....


Error opening file for writing


C:\program files\Blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\blend2renderinfo.py


my response? ignore...


Error opening file for writing


C:\program files\Blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\BPyAddMesh.py


my response? ignore.


Error..... yeah you see where this is going...


I got a total of 35 errors of this kind.


I am pretty sure this is the root of my problem.

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Are logged in with an administrator account? If so, reboot your PC and press F8 to get a boot menu and start in Safe Mode. Then browse to that folder and delete the Blender folder.


Reboot, login as an administrator and install.


If you get any errors about those files again, you probably will need to run a checkdisk program to find bad sectors on your hard drive.


Another possibility is permissions...such as installing under a different account and only allowing permissions for that account...then all other accounts cannot access those files. But that will require a bit deeper solution.



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