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if any 1 has played fable the lost chapters could they make me a jack of blades mask and the legandery sword the bereaver and a darth nilhus mask and cloak for oblivion and put themin the market district by the statue p.s. i cant mod im new to this modding stuff and i couldnt find any good ones of the sword exept from google judt search up THE BEREAVER and there one of the mask on guides]




darth nilihus is the one in the middle

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That would be cool 8) !!!

:ph34r: Coz the Bereaver (if i am thinking of them same weapon as you) is pretty snazy and nifty.

Although i have seen better than the Jack Of Blades mask (man he is camp) ;)

Darth Nilhus mask is a blooming great idea!! He does rock!

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Wow what an awesome idea!! and add a script to the Jack of Blades mask, that once you wear it, you gain lots of attributes and stuff, lose tremendous personality, and you cant take it off ever again! As for nihhluls or w/e spelling, Something that gives you sense life like 120 foot constant effect, + personality + a lesser power that drains lots of life... Mmmmmmmm
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And a force push power! lol :D for Nihlus

coz we already got Force Lightning if you think about it

Just think wearing a Nihlus Mask while running around in Black Hand Robes casting force lightning on ever Mo' Funky you see!


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i like the idea of the jack of blades mask script but we should make 2 vesions 1 u could take off and 1 u cant also the nilihus mask and black hand robes is a good idea also we should make the bereaver 1 handed and the strongest weapon in the game like 40 damage add some more fable items into the game like fire assain suit ,archon armour and plate mail but there just spitball ideas it would be nice thou and loads of starwars stuff
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we could use the street fighter vega mask mod as the base for the jack of blades mask and nilhius the masks should take up the amulet slot so we can wear helmets and hoods so i would recomend the unlimited amulets and rings mod also the pic is a custom robe made for nilhuis by someone at pcgamemods.com i think
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50 damage

1 handed [dont like 2 handed swords because then u cant have a shield]

no sheath

no enchants

found: sitting half in half out the water by the dock in front of the imperial sewers



JACK OF BLADES MASK [the 1 u can take off]




takes up amulet slot

adds loads of attributes up loose personality


found on the boxes at the dock outside the imperial sewers






JACK OF BLADES MASK [the 1 u cant take off]





adds every attribute/skill up by 20 minus speechcraft


loose basicly all personality and fame puts your infamy up full





nilhius mask and robes



robes and hood



enchants hood


night vision

detect life as high as it can go





resist all spells by 50%

resist normal weapons 100%



takes up amulet slot

no enchants



all found at the docks by the imperial sewer



any if any one could make a revan suit with the mask taking up the amulet slot and no enchants for the mask




any other stuff u decide but put it by the docks at the imperial sewers thnxs





can any one make this mod for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thnx thnx thnx thnx thnx thnx

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I suppose it hasn't occured to anyone that all this would require new meshes.


You guys go saying how you want such and such a certain way, but nobody of significant ability has offered to take the time to do anything. If you want it so bad, I suggest you find out how it is done, and do it yourself, or look for one of the 8-10 people capable of modeling, and pay them for putting your project ahead of the 30 some other meshing requests they get daily. No, they can't charge for mods, but they can charge for the modeling and graphical work that would go into one.


Not trying to be an ass or anything, but a little bit of a reality check is needed.

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