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Absolutely Lusting...


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Tears of the morning,

Blood of the day.

Leave not my soul in despair.

Take me to the depths of nothingness,

In the void of existence,

Where everything is absolutely,



Tears for the mourning,

Bloody days abound.

Souls floating in the voided monotony.

Taken to the height of existence,

Where everything is, and everything will be.

And nothing, absolutely nothing,

Is absolute.


Care for those who care for themselves,

And care not for one self.

Caring selflessly cradles lust begotten,

Lusting only for more.

Leading one to realize,

They lust now…

Absolutely lusting,

No more.


This is my true absolution,

This is the truth in absolutory revelations.

Revealing the reveling…


Reveling in tandem,

For nothing more.


Heart sunken,

Ears open,

Eyes wide,

Senses wondering,




For more.


Nothing can come,

Nothing can be.

Nothing is now,


The only complete glory.





For the void is existence,

Where nothing is everything,

And everything is lusting,


No more.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Very excellent.


Touches on some spiritual truths about the destructive wastefulness and addictiveness of lust, be it lust for anything or everything.


Will read again.

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