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Experienced 3D modeller needed :)


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Hi all,

I know I'm asking a lot, but I have some ideas for new monsters for Fallout 3; I'm a relative beginner in 3DS Max myself, but I can't practice with it much at the moment due to resource limitations (in english, my pc sucks).

Anyway, I would like to add some new monsters to my mod.

1. A crocodile or alligator for Point Lookout - I always wondered why there weren't any lurking in those swamps.

2. A snake mutant.

3. Female Swampfolk! How do these people breed?! (actually, I don't want to know, but you get my point). If anyone has any spare time and they would like to help with this, it would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks for your time.

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How can you even play F3 and not have the pc hardware to run max?

unless you have 500k+tri and 80 objects in scene it should be half decent for most things on a system that = the minimum requirements of F3.

I could be wrong, but does the gpu even get taxed ever, unless rendering, and only when you have gpu accelerated rendering in a newer version? :unsure:

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Ah it's a tad confusing to me, really. I can run FO3 on my laptop, but not on my PC cuz it needs an upgrade. On the other hand, I can use 3DS Max on my PC but my laptop has issued with it. Catch 22 until I can get the money for an upgrade.
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