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Followers won't STFU. :(


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Everytime I make a single move, or even stand still and do nothing, my followers won't stfu. They keep saying "I'm right behind you." "Still here." "I've got your back." Etc constantly. It's really irritating. I use more followr voices and commentary overhaul, but overhaul jsut adds more lines and has a frequency option that works great. I'm talking about the basic stuff they say. They just spam it nonstop at every move I make or even if I stand in place. How do I make them stop saying those lines all the time? At this point I'm only using 1 follower because it's so annoying with over 2 of them, and even then she won't shut up either, lol.

EDIT: For extra extra extra clarification, I do have FCO. FCO frequency affects the new lines provided by the mod. What it doesn't affect is the vanilla one liners such as "Still here!" "Right behind you!" "I've got your back!" etc, which they spam. I am just looking for anything that can help get them to stop saying it so often. I'm also not looking for new followers.

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Download Sofia or Vilja mods they have more interesting chatter. The vanilla followers are good for little more than giving to the Blades to complete your quest.


I'm not really looking for more interesting chatter, I just want to reduce the frequency of them telling me they're still here. Also, I have both of those followers. As I mentioned, I'm using the overhaul mod and that does give them more interesting chatter. It's the vanilla lines like "Still here." "Got your back" etc that are in question here. They are literally spammed every 5-20 seconds. The other lines are fine.

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I have never had this problem. I have used UFO for several years and have about 20 Followers at my Pocket Campsite Stronghold (now Pocket Empires) and often go out with four or five of them and I do not recall them ever spamming their one-liners at me.


They often argued among themselves when we camped for the night, especially Jenassa and Mjoll. They would steal each other's ale, and then find something on the ground, so they'd say:


"Well, what do we have here?"

"I'll just take that!"

"Over my dead body!"

"THAT can be arranged..."


and they'd start whacking each other to pieces. It was hysterically funny to watch.


But no repeating of things like "I am sworn to carry your burdens" over and over.


I think something in your follower dialogue mods is not working quite as intended.



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I dont know if you could call it spamming,But all the vanilla followers do quite often repeat themselves.


Mjoll : when i drew grimsever the poor guy soiled his armor. oh christ shut up you big hairy woman ive heard your bloody story at least 250 times. Now ive left her with the greybeards (hope they dont go insane)


Indeed the follower mods are way better for your ears like UFO or 3DNPCS.

Especially 3dnpcs really makes youll feel that theyre not just spewing out random lines all the time.

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I nab hostile followers with male warlock voice type as they never say a word, not even when you barge in to them.

They just smile and nod most the time, silence is bliss while roaming.

When out roaming around I prefer a male warlock voiced follower.

When vegging at my campsite or home I prefer chatty females, which is every god dam one of them, they never stop dribbling crap but I enjoy it while I'm not trying to concentrate :)

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When tinkering with various marriages. I remember Camilla driving me nuts when she kept on thanking me for getting the Golden Claw back.

And when you steal it back (of course you do :tongue:) they dont seem to care one bit about it.


Jenessa : i feel the presence of evil spirits in these tombs,We are Not!! welcome here Shuuuuuuuut up!!!! or its of to High hrothgar .

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Pick up this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52019/? which allows you to set the percentage of how frequently your followers comment. You can even set it to 0% if you just want them to STFU and be your silent companion :tongue:


Don't forget to endorse and support the mod author!

As mentioned in the OP, I already have this mod. It affects new line frequency that you would normally not hear your followers say, which is the purpose of the mod. Basically, it doesn't do anything about them telling you that they're still here, got your back, etc.

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