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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Captchas are worthless, I would rather have real two-factor authentication.
  2. Not impressed with the new layout. Block and clunky are the best words to describe it.
  3. Howdy, I have become Guild Master of the GoT and completed all the "special jobs", however, only Vanryth Gatharian has opened a shop in the Ragged Flagon Cistern. Arnskar, Herluin and Syndus are not appearing. Any suggestion as to what can be done to spawn them and their shops? Going back to a previous save is not an option (sadly) and I am not looking forward to starting the questline over again. Thanks in advance.
  4. Howdy, Using console commands only (no mods), is there any adverse effects to moving any bard into your Homestead? I like Lakeview Manor, but not fond of the default bard. I am thinking about using Lisette instead. Thanks
  5. Thanks, I created a new game for testing and did just that. Having Lydia, Jordis and Rayya around my manor is like having it protected by Charlie's Angles (late 70s TV show, not those horrible remakes)
  6. Howdy, I plan on becoming Thane of Falkreath and building Lakeview Manor. There is a question about Housecarls and Stewards that comes to mind. I have Jordis as a Housecarl (Solitude) already. Does that mean when I get Rayya (as Thane of Falkreath), I could have both living in Lakeview Manor? Rayya as Housecarl and Jordis as a Steward? It would make good sense as both could protect people and property. Thanks
  7. Howdy, I have been trying to find "The Five Tenets" book, but cannot find it. I have checked the DB Sanctuaries but it is not there. I can see the posters on the wall. I tried give myself the book, but the ID number comes back with an error. Has anyone else experienced this?
  8. Not sure, as I have never done that with a shout. What I would recommend is doing a quest that gives you one of the words, but before you read it, save your game. Then give yourself the word, then go to where you will learn it. If anything breaks, you have a save in your back pocket.
  9. At what menu? Is this a mod you are talking about? You will need to be more clear for us to help.
  10. When tinkering with various marriages. I remember Camilla driving me nuts when she kept on thanking me for getting the Golden Claw back.
  11. I was hoping to put it in Proudspire Manor, but after reading your reply, I think, I have found my problem. Shrines are built for Homesteads and not for normal houses. I would suspect that if I purchased a homestead and built, then I could probably construct the Shrine of Zenithar.
  12. Howdy, I have all the items to craft a "Shrine of Zenithar", but I seem to be unable to find how to craft it. Wiki indicates that it can be crafted and I have the smithing skill. I visited the Blacksmith in Solitude and tried to craft with the forge, workbench but no luck. What am I missing? Thanks...
  13. Howdy one and all, New to Nexus Mods and just thought, I would drop a small note. I purchased Skyrim a while ago, but did not play it much. Then, I found this place and gave Skyrim another chance (with a few mods) and found it much more enjoyable. Wrexxman.
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