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Im going to get straight to the point:


Many of my posts have vanished without a trace from the thread they were posted on and Im getting sick of it.


I count maybe 30 or so missing.


Look, I know I post so provocative comments, but none of what has been posted was exactly... unusual. Mostly things that are exactly identicle to everyone else's posts in that particular thread.


But when run of the mill posts simply disapear into thin air, while still counting on my postrs count, I get suspicious, uneasy, and a little bit angry.


My suspicion is that someone is either misuing mod powers, a virus is loose in the nexus itself, or that something is wrong with this forum or it's server or database.


I have proof that I posted in many threads where my posts have later been deleted.


One prime example is that a few days ago I posted in the "official currently reading thread" my review of a particular author's books. I vividly remeber writing that, I checked back to see if anyone had replied to that over several days, and found my reply. On the fourth day it was gone, I checked every page, back tracked, used every net trick I know that can legaly be deployed here and it had vanished completely.


I've lost entire threads to that, and Im sick of it.


My personal problems are not the business of this forum, nor likely to interest anyone on it, however, Im getting tired of losing threads into thin air.

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Well, I remember doing one in the example I mentioned, official currnetly reading thread, that would have been about a week ago, as for the others, I'll comb my brains and try and find out.
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I haven't removed any posts beyond the few either associated with a ban or in very bad taste - or flagrant spam. And have been scrupulous in documenting those. Normally I try to leave a post explaining why a post was removed. And I like to leave the post showing why an individual was banned if it is not too bad. Possibly a bug?
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I think that's the only cause left possible.



I've encountered a few similar glitches with packet loss and stuff whenever I save something online. i guess maybe the database or something.


It's clearly not foul play-I've seen mods go mental before, and the moderator staff here are just too commited and mentaly stable for that. Likewise I cant see how anyone could have gotten mod powers without being a mod. And most insane of all, why they'd delete my book review of The Saint instead of running amoc as most net-nutters do.'


I often play a console game called Forzqa Motorsport. it's got an online storefront, and I have to keep my data files backed up localy because sometimes what's stored online does sometimes vanish without trace. And after losing two $ 700,000 supercars to it, I wised up.

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I've been known to delete comments that are blatantly vulgar or pejorative, or when the machine goes buggy and posts the same post multiple times, (deleted a thread full of those yesterday, on request). If there's a chance deleting it could be controversial I will hide the comment with a reason, there is a field provided for that purpose.


But I can tell you unequivocally I haven't deleted, hidden or otherwise removed any posts from the book thread in the last month.

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The only threads that get deleted entirely are those in the "Uploaded Files" area. Those threads lifelines are tied directly to the mod pages...if a mod page is deleted..."poof", all the comments go with it.


And no, I don't recall any "recent" mental fits. hehehe.


Oh, be sure you are submitting the posts. I've caught myself hitting the preview and "thinking" I was done with the post and had submitted it.



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I have had similar things happen to me on another site I used to be staff on for an online gaming community in the past. It was always a packet loss or other type bug/glitch. I KNOW that for sure because as a staff member with "hard delete" privileges, I could go back and look at the activity and see all moderation activity across the site. I understand completely what you mean about "vividly remembering what you wrote and seeing it". I had that happen too and it was quite frustrating. As far as this site goes....I guess I have just been lucky.


A "rogue admin".....I highly doubt it. This site is VERY picky about their moderators and said moderators pretty much "come right out front and take care of things" not "sneak around behind the scenes". They will fully admit to you that they have deleted/hidden one of you posts as well if you ask.....and probably give you the "what for" about why they had to moderate your stuff to begin with. :wink:


I like that "save to text document" option ComanderCrazy brought up. I use that myself now after losing a couple of big posts in the old days lol.

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