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Disposable companion


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I'm just looking for a companion mod but nothing in-depth. Just cannon fodder, so I can clear out fort Nikel.
It's chocca block with Marauders. One of them is almost 7ft tall for some reason and I'm not even lvl2. Is there
anything like that because I can't find it? Or, even just a console command to make someone follow me? :smile:

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90% of the companions are pretty depthless, just grab a random one and get to killing things. Try looking at the companion category again and this time sorting it by newest. Should give you quite a few.

Edited by Oubliette
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Got a marauder problem? Need someone to help bash a few heads? Well just up the road from Fort Nikel at the top of the hill is Yellow Tick Cave. Now Yellow Tick is a conjurer haven. Marauders don't like conjurers, and bandits don't care for them either and it just so happens that Fort Nikel has both marauders and bandits. Would you like to instigate a little three way battle?


Console commands may be a way to temporarily bolster your "army". Go to Yellow Tick and as you encounter any conjurers open the console and mouse click on them to get their refID displayed at the top of the screen. If that particular conjurer has already spotted you and is in combat mode start with "stopcombat" (no quote marks and hit Enter after each command). Next is "moddisposition 14 125" followed by "addscriptpackage 9828a". That individual NPC is now your friend and is following you. Gather up as many as you think you'll need (the game engine will limit you to 5 or 6 ... can't recall exactly how many). Now head back down the hill with your "army" and go into Fort Nikel. Once you get close enough to the main battle area (I suggest you try taking the center path first) and your new conjurer friends spot some marauders or bandits it's game on.


You can either sit back and let things sort themselves out or dive in and dish out your own share of whoop-ass.


Note - at times this type of follower won't follow through doors. Write down all the refIDs and once you go through a door use the console to help them through ("prid ffxxxxxx" replacing the x's with the numbers/letters from their refID to select them and then "moveto player" to warp them to you). Usually when you need to do that they'll "forget" their follow package so immediately after that, with their refID still displayed up top just "addscriptpackage 9828a" again.


Nice thing about recruiting conjurers is they conjurer up allies themselves, stirring the pot even harder.

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Why thank you kindly. I'll have to write all that down. I always turn out to be a conjurer myself anyway so later on, I shouldn't need too much help. Just some crazy woman wants Shadow banish wine
and I thought, well there's a fort. I'll see if it contains anything. I'm playing with Frans too so I'm thinking that's why they're a little tougher to kill. And that 7ft or 8ft tall Nord woman. Geewhiz. She's tough.

Thanks again. :laugh:

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Striker's suggestion is lots of funnier, but if you're in a hurry, when you have your enemy in sight, open console, clic the enemy so its name and RefID show up in the upper border of the screen, and type KILL.





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Striker's suggestion is lots of funnier, but if you're in a hurry, when you have your enemy in sight, open console, clic the enemy so its name and RefID show up in the upper border of the screen, and type KILL.





Oh, trust me. . . I know that one. When I'm testing mods out or just messing about I sometimes have to use it on guards. But, I would feel a sore loser if I had to use it in my main. . . It would feel like I was just surrendering or

giving up and taking the easy way out. I like the feeling that I'm not yet an all-powerful hero-god. In real life though or if I was actually there, I'd probably hire a mercenary or two to help me. Or, simply ask for help. I like

Striker's suggestion though. . . The conjurer's could be "persuaded" to temporarily assist me in order to defeat a mutual enemy and then once our business had concluded, we would then part ways. If you know what I mean. :blush:

Edited by xENJAJVEx
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Yep, xENJAJVEx, the KILL command was just a reminder, as a last resort if you're in a hurry. I personally prefer Striker's suggestion... and yes, I do know what do you mean with "parting the ways". Or should we say "slicing the ways"? (/me grins horrifycally).


You can always resurrect the character you killed with the console, just remember to type the "enable" command before the "resurrect" one. This way, the game will re-activate the same instance of the character you killed, instead of respawning a new one. Handy for companions, since this way they don't lose their equipment.


Oh, and for one-use-only companions, the CM Partners comes quite handy with all the bunch of cannon fodder it puts on the game, ready to use. Just remember to use the Non-Essential NPCs version of it.



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The full meal deal, now I don't feel I've cheated method is waaaay more difficult, but possible.


NPCs yield refined to get them in a "more cooperative mood". Give A Gift plus plenty of gold for the bribe option in the persuasion mini-game to get them up to and slightly over 100 disposition. Companion Vilja's "I'd like to introduce you to my partner" option to make them a follower (technically they're Vilja's follower at that point).


Rinse and repeat until you run out of gold and gifts or have enough followers.


- Edit - Might have an even simpler suggestion ... Fort Nikel has no Shadowbanish wine.

Edited by Striker879
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- Edit - Might have an even simpler suggestion ... Fort Nikel has no Shadowbanish wine.

SPOILER! Well, at least I don't have to waste my time killing them then if the fort is missing its Shadowbanish wine. I'll just continue onto Chorrol. :sleep:

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Ya sorry ... shoulda' put that one in spoiler tags. Not sure if I'd be any more popular if I'd said nada until afterwards (maybe just keep what I know to myself and whistle an off key tune when you find none ... I dunno, no winning sometimes).

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