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Heterochromic eyes mod.


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I've heard and seen mods for Oblivion that allow heterochromic (different-coloured) eyes, and I was wondering...


a) If there is already something like that for Fo3 (Where?)


b) If it is at all posssible.


I've tried doing something like this myself (using an accessory rather than changing the eyes themselves), and all my attempts led to failure, as the eye would never actually go where I wanted it to.


I'll be extremely greatful to anyone who can do this... not to mention how much it may benefit others in character creation.

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I have actually completed this request.


several months ago, I made the eye assets needed for a modder -AiiNZ, who had relz'd mod under his belt. So I decided to fulfill the request. But as it happens I slaved away, yet again, for naught.


you have no idea how many f'ing times this happens. even with relz'd mods is no indication of anything any more.







I actually transferred 2 vanilla eye textures to my new UV layout. so even as it is, there is a partial replacer completed. All it would take would be either me digging out the eye file, if I have still it :unsure: , or recreating the way I set it up to transfer the textures across UV channel, which mihjt be very worth it if people wanted a simple, fairly automated way convert existing eye textures to my UV set up. Or, someone willing to by hand adapt the vanilla eye textures to the new UV to complete the basic replacer needed for the intial relz.



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Pretty cool to see it's already done... would love to see this converter.


Would this all be compatible with other body mods, such as CotW? Or would there be some playing around with race or mesh files?


In any case, if you can't find the converter, and need someone to do the manual conversions, I'll be happy to help... can't guarantee how useful I am (my image editing abilities are generally limited to manga, logo-like art, recolouring, minor texture tweaks and minor image correction, so if it involves anything particularly drastic (like completely changing the shape of the eye in the texture file) I'm limited to what I can do), however.

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I suppose I just have to go make this replacer business, and relz it then. then people can hassle me to do the various conversions of eye texture mods. and just use these new ones for any new eye textures they want to create... this includes the Heterochromic ones.

Oh and mine can glow too. Though that is kinda hard coded per eye mesh it self. ie you need to make a new race to effectively use it. or else everyone in that race has glowy eyes too.


Hey, question for ghogiel...how do you get a NPC to use new eyes? I have them loaded in, but they don't appear as options when generating the NPC.

new eyes... as in new eye textures? I don't know actually. It should be relatively straightforward. :shrug:

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I finished and uploaded the vanilla replacer. there is a resource psd and some example textures, including a heterochromic one. you'll have to mod it in yourself, or wait until someone actually makes a eye mod utilizing the the new UV layout.


Nadin- while I was testing these stuff I think I answered your question, to get custom eye textures to load on npcs, you have to add them to the race the NPC belongs to. I was drag and drop from the eye texture menu into the races eye texture list. Same as oblivion. then they should appear as options in the NPC entry.

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