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Problem: Sky is neon pink and there are yellow boxes with exclamation points on objects/hovering in my Oblivion game.


So I modded my game a lot today. The mod load order is provided in this picture . But looking at other similar problems on forums, I figured it could be the texture for the sky. I do not think I am missing any textures though, I actually just went through comparing all the files in my game folder to freshly unzipped files and I am not missing any.. My textures/meshes/etc for the environment mod are a few subfolders deep into the data file folder in my game, not right next to the official meshes/textures/etc for the game. Another bothersome issue is that the guards clothes look all blurred and not detailed. Ask as many questions as you like, I'll answer all of them, do my best to give you guys information to help me figure this out. I installed everything manually except the character overhaul because it said quite a few times to install it with NMM. Tried to upload screenshot of my problem but the file was too big.


Thanks ahead of time.

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Both the pink sky and the Yellow Missing mesh markers say you do have missing mesh problems. And more than one.


First, run BOSS or LOOT - either one should help find some of your problems. Especially any that are the result of load order. And may even fix some of them.

I also recommend OBSE - as even if none of your current mods require it, you will eventually want one that does.


I also don't see any mods installed using OBMM - when it installs a mod, it shows up in the right pane with a colored block beside it to indicate if it is or is not active, plus can show some possible problems based on the color.


All mods can be installed manually - even those that recommend using a manager - We were doing it that way long before any mod managers at all existed. For Oblivion, I prefer OBMM or Wrye Bash ( Wrye Bash is harder for a neophyte to figure out so stick with OBMM)


LOOT: https://loot.github.io/

BOSS: https://boss-developers.github.io/

OBSE: http://obse.silverlock.org/

Wrye Bash: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22368/?


Use either LOOT or BOSS, not both as that will just confuse you. None of these are mods - and do not install like mods - so read the documentation. :thumbsup:


Then come back and post your BOSS or LOOT log.

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All right, thank you for your help. I did install OBSE already. The reason it shows that no mods were installed with OBMM is because I installed everything manually except the Character Overhaul (I used NMM for that). I had downloaded OBMM because I thought I might use it for things and because it would help me sort out my load order. Downloaded LOOT, did a load order check, it redid my load order and the report viewer showed these messages cgmAgU2.png.


The top warning was on all the DLCs for the game except the Shivering Isles. Went to read on TES4Edit about cleaning and it seems like a lot of work - is it necessary? And I'm guessing from the second note that that could be where my problem is coming from? There were no other important notes. The only other one worth possibly mentioning is the DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp had a note saying "Only for new game. Not for existing game." Any more answers for questions I can provide? What shall I do now?

Edited by alexmeowshall
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Installed Ryu Doppler's fixed version of Natural Environments and I still have the same problem. Is it possibly a problem of file placement? The meshes and textures and etc are all in different sub folders of data, do they need to be merged? I am new to modding manually, although to my knowledge I followed the readmes on each mod correctly

Edited by alexmeowshall
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I take it you've downloaded and extracted the mod to a folder you created ... for this example I'll call it Natural_Environments.


The game expects certain assets to be located in certain places. If an ESP directs it to look for the mesh for an item in for example Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Armor\JoesReallyCoolArmor\ that is exactly where the mesh needs to be. Some mods (or parts of some mods) don't need an ESP to tell the game where to look for things. If you place a mesh named cuirass.nif in the exact folder path Oblivion\Data\meshes\armor\fur\f\ then all the females in the game that wear a fur cuirass will use that mesh (note - textures and such also need to be exactly where expected by the mesh they apply to).


So back to your problem. Take a look in the extracted download in your Natural_Environments folder and you'll see that there are a bunch of folders. The game expects the folders to be exactly like that starting at Data on down. Now some mods come packaged in a way that extracts to a structure starting at Data (in which case your extracted download would look like Natural_Environments\Data), but most start at Meshes and Textures (and Menus and Sound etc), so what you'll see is Natural_Environments\Meshes and Natural_Environments\Textures etc. When you see a folder named Meshes it needs to wind up in the following structure ... Oblivion\Data\Meshes (so then you'll also need Oblivion\Data\Textures and Oblivion\Data\Sound etc). A sure sign you've messed up is something like Oblivion\Data\Data\Meshes or Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Meshes when you look in your game's folders after installing.


Study the extracted download and it will show you where everything needs to go in the game's folders.

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Thank you! This is exactly what I was thinking about! So then I take the meshes from Oblivion\Data\Natural Environments-2536\Meshes and put them in Oblivion\Data\Meshes, correct? When I extracted the zip to my data folder it created a folder called Natural_Environments instead of merging the mesh/texture/etc folders. So in short I am merging all of my texture (and mesh/sound) folders into one texture (and one mesh/one sound) folder that is found directly under my data folder, right? Thank you so much :smile:


EDIT: If all this is true, should I do this for my unofficial patch textures/meshes/etc? Or is my .esp file for the patches telling the game to find them in their patch folders under data?

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Be aware that extracting anything directly into your game's folders is a recipe for disaster. You are counting on the mod author to expect you to do that (and as you've found with Natural Environments, many don't expect you to do that). What you have now is a really messed up Data folder.


Without seeing exactly what has been put where, and going strictly by what you have said you've done, I would say you need to right mouse click on the Natural Environments folder that got put into your game's folder and select Cut from the right click menu. Then go to your desktop and right click on it. Select paste from the right click menu and that entire Natural Environments folder and all it's contents will be on your desktop and not in your game's folders.


Once you have the Natural Environments folder on your desktop re-read my previous post carefully and look at the folders inside the Natural Environments folder on your desktop. It's the folders inside Natural Environments that need to get copied to your game's folders. Folders named things like Meshes and Textures need to be in your game's Data folder so when you're done they look like this ... Oblivion\Data\Meshes and Oblivion\Data\Textures. Note, when I say Oblivion\Data\Meshes that means the Meshes folder is inside the Data folder, and the Data folder is inside the Oblivion folder.


I also think you have some confusion about the difference between folders and files. In Windows Explorer a folder has an icon that always looks like a folder, while files can have different looking icons depending on the type of file. When copying folders you need to make sure you get them inside the correct folder, otherwise nothing will work.


It's late here and I need to be up early tomorrow. If you're still having trouble later tomorrow I'll download the mod and check out the exact folder structure it comes with. Perhaps in the meantime someone familiar with the mod might help straighten things out for you.

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Thank you for all your help. I took all the mesh files from the Natural_Environments folder under my Data folder (Oblivion/Data/Natural_Environments) and put them in my Mesh folder under Data (Oblivion/Data/Meshes. Did the same with all the textures and sounds too. Checked my game and it was fixed. I do understand the difference between files and folders, but thank you for your explanation. I'm an android/mp3/PC user haha.


The only question I had left over is if the mesh files that are in (Oblivion\Data\Unofficial Oblivion Patch-5296-3-5-1\Meshes) should be in (Oblivion\Data\Meshes)? It is for the unofficial oblivion patch from nexusmods.

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