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Any interest in a troubleshooting flowchart project?


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Good morning all,


So, I drank way too much coffee and now I'm full of crazy ideas!


Would anybody be interested in working collaboratively on a Troubleshooting Flowchart?


I was thinking something online (almost Wiki fashion) that anyone who has Mod problems could refer to and then edit once they found the solution.


WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: Too much coffee makes me say crazy s*** :wacko:


Concept: An online document (Google Docs maybe?) that walks Mod Users through fixing their own games via a step-by-step flow chart.


Simplest Implementation: A static document and a link to it.


Advanced Implementation : A wiki like document. At the end of the document, the document would ask the Mod User "Did you solve your problem?" and if they answer "yes" it would allow them to add their solution into the flowchart.




OK, if you'll excuse me now, I have to go finish my "Private Manned Mission To Mars Project" :wink:




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I'm going to fall back on my military training here and use the 5 Paragraph Order method of outline:


1. Situation: Modding and maintaining modded games is a fairly difficult hobby for the New Modder. This results in the Nexus Technical Forums filling up with "Help - CTD" threads for extremely easy fixes (for which I am supremely guilty) and Experienced Modders answering the same questions over and over again. Referring New Modders to STEP is a temporary fix because they invariably break their games 5 minutes later.


2. Mission: Create a system that (at its simplest implementation) walks the New Modder through the "1st Tier" of Troubleshooting (i.e. "Did you install the STEP Patch without installing all of the STEP recommended mods?" ---> BAM! There's your instant CTD) [1]



3. Execution: Here's where the collaboration part come in :laugh: :wink: . I have no idea what the best way to go about this is. Anyone have any experience with setting up Wiki's? Do they support Flowcharts? Is there a better solution? I am going to research this further as soon as I finish my 2nd pot of coffee.


4. Administration: Who's in charge? How do we get a committee together? Where and when will we work? Do we need a page on the Nexus Wiki? Can we get a page on the Nexus Wiki? So many questions :facepalm:


5. Command and Signal: I never understood this one. I think its where you list Passwords and Codes and s*** :wink:



[1] (Camaro_69_327 will recognize this example as my very first "Help" post. Thank you Camaro)

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NO seriously, I'm sure there would be other benefits.


A HUGE leverage tool would be to make it Interactive/Editable. That way, if a New Modder is using it and finds a "short-circuit" or mistake in the flowchart, they can make the corrections.


This is the 1st result from Google for Wiki Flowchart http://www.flowchartwiki.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page


I have zero idea on how to make it work etc etc



OK, despite the fact that it is 1 degree Fahrenheit outside, I have to go to work :pinch:


Kick it around....I'll report back with the Mars Mission progress later.

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hey, so I feel bad that all of your caffeine-fueled enthusiasm is passing without comment.

That said, I am not up to helping with your idea atm, as I am overwhelmed with real life obligations.

I do think that what you describe might be quite useful. Unfortunately, there are already some pretty simple-to-follow instructions on troubleshooting available. The problem seems to be that a good number of folks don't want to solve their problem, they want someone to solve it for them, thus they make no effort to investigate any available resources before posting their issue in all caps. (OK, so I haven't had my coffee yet, I'm still feeling quite bitter...)


Props to you, dude, though. Great idea and good luck!

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Hmmm, where to start.....


Maybe Proof of Concept? Could this actually work. I'll try and cobble something together tonight using something open source and static and then we can kick it around in a day or two.


I think something like:


Are You Having:

A) Immediate Crash To Desktop ----> Links to page explaining that ICTD (I hope I just created a new acronym there :laugh: ) are often caused by missing masters, etc, etc *

B) Crash To Desktop Geographical -----> Links to CTDG page (I'm on a roll here!) explaining the probable causes of location based failures

C) Stuttering ----> you get the idea


I think the ultimate goal would be a Wiki style flowchart, that would relieve any one person from having to maintain the aforementioned monstrosity.




Damn coffee's wearing off :sleep:


*I'm really reaching here. I have no idea what causes any of these things or if they're common problems. Just using them as examples.

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Thought of a new benefit last night....


If the community does start to use the tool and it becomes a living thing, it could (possibly) make Mod Troubleshooting a very scientific process.


I could see a point in the future (maybe) where you could start


I am having Immediate Crash To Desktop -->

Q: Does your PC meet the Minimum Requirements to run Skyrim (Link to Minimum Requirements Page)?

A: Yes

Q: Some more questions here

A: Some more answers here

Q: Did you clean the Skyrim.esm file with TES5Edit?

A: Yes

RESULT: There is your problem. The Skyrim.esm file SHOULD NOT be cleaned with TES5Edit. You will have to re-install

This is the only example I could think of while waiting for the coffee to kick in, but I think it makes a case for a Flowchart.




If (and this is a big IF) each user made changes to the Flowchart that detailed the solution to their particular problem, wouldn't the document eventually provide an EXTREMELY granular view of the fix? i.e.


Q: Did you install Mod A?

A: Yes

Q: Did you over-write Texture X?

A: Yes

RESULT: There is your problem. Texture X has known issues. Suggest you replace it with Texture Y

Just spit-balling here (shooting them at the wall to see what sticks). Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Sooo, Google Docs has a flowchart template you can use and it looks like it is editable by anyone who has the link. Not sure it would be the best thing vs. a Wiki or some other solution, but I think it does demonstrate the potential a Flowchart can have in describing processes


Here is a link to the Read Only version of the document



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