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Only humans mod


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Voicing may be broken as well if you change everything's race. Not all lines were recorded for every race. But you could change the meshes for the beast races to a more human look. They're still be talking in their raspy Khajiitian voices and likely that nut in Leyawiin would still insist he's a khajiit, not an argonian.
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What?! No More Argonians? Would be Oblivion then!


Orcs n Khajiit have as much right to exist too and not just Sexy fem elf mods. :/

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My character is an racist towards Khajits and Argonians and Orcs. He hates them because they arent human ! So he casts a spell on them that will transport them 10000 feet in the air then drop them down :thumbsup::thumbsup::whistling::whistling:
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Voices will be broken, quests will be broken, checks will be broken and at least 30% of the lore is lost and more than 50% quests/stories inapplicable as they were related to reactions between different races.

all and all would be an enormous job, leaving the fact to play nehrim to a valid option as that's more easy to do. Creating and successfully changing oblivion to remove all fantasy races would take half a year to a year already...I don't think you want to wait that long and I'd not know anyone that'd continue on this thing after a month of playing with the CS. Then you'd still need 4 people to voice over hours and hours of lines to cover up the gaps, or cope with the losses.


Maybe the change seems small, but the effects will be dramatic. You'd be killing the game, but trying to look from the OP's perspective...the losses will be bigger than the 'gains'. The game is built upon 6 non-human races, if you're that against it I would blame the game and go search for another. (Gothic4?)

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If all we're concerned about is appearance, I don't see what's the problem with changing all the non-human races to use human skeleton, textures, and meshes. I guess the races will be extremely fugly, and all the references to these races would make no sense, but the game would still be functional, right?
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If all we're concerned about is appearance, I don't see what's the problem with changing all the non-human races to use human skeleton, textures, and meshes. I guess the races will be extremely fugly, and all the references to these races would make no sense, but the game would still be functional, right?


Similar to XEO(Of course, XEO does not make beast race entirely look like human)?

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documn, if all you do is to replace all the textures and meshes of non-human races with human textures and races, yes, this would work. There might be some minor issues in the appearance of some races, particularly Khajiit and Argonian NPCs, since I'm not entirely sure what one of those would look like with the various facial characteristics of the original race imposed upon a human mesh, but it's probably something that could be lived with. This "mod" would actually be relatively simple to make, since it would involve nothing more than copying over the relevant human meshes and textures and assigning them the proper names. You'll then have Khajiits and Argonians (and, presumably elves and orcs) which are still referred to by their original races, in-game, but it shouldn't break any of the quests (like the one that requires you to get an Argonian heart) because the NPCs will still be of their original races. They just won't look like it.
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