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Nature does so inspire

as it reaches up towards the sky

an erect majestic memorial

to the warmth of creation bursting forth

from the hard red stone

as the sun does carress it

with her glory.


Gosh, isn't geology wonderful!



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Heh, a mushroom wasn't the first word to come to mind :P

Oh gawd, someone who has the same level of mental maturity as me? Impossible. D:


The poem is definitely nice...but my mind insists on seeing something else. *sigh*


I'm sorry. Forgive me, Maharg.

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Nothing to forgive AliasTheory. Some might see something naughty but perhaps the rock just looks like a specialised medical probe or an alien of some kind known as the Skinny Mushroom People.


Of course one could also think of a ........ but we will not go there... no, no, or at least we will pretend not to do so.


:yes: :no: :wub: :mad: :kiss: :down: :yucky: :cool: :woot: :pirate: :turned: :verymad: :thumbsup:


Chronomagus, wash out your mind with soap at once....

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