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More Dungeons with Mind-Bending Puzzles


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So, when I started gaming it was in the early 90s and the game that really drew me in for the first time was Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past. That had an open world for me to explore and discover new things, and that was type of things that I was looking for in gaming. It also had plenty of dungeons and the one thing that kept the dungeons interesting was the puzzles inside.


At first the puzzles would be quite simple, but as you went into more dungeons the puzzles would become increasingly complex. Some puzzles would be only in one room, others would require you to go to a group of rooms, others puzzles involved the entire dungeon.


I was truly disappointed when none of the dungeons in Morrowind or Oblivion had any puzzles. However, when i heard Skyrim's dungeons had puzzles I was excited to encounter them.


However when I saw those puzzles in videos and encountered them in game, I felt like it was a let down. Most of the dungeon puzzles in Skyrim are simplistic and easily solvable. There are very few ones that require you to rack your brain to solve, and most of them are in one room.


I would like to see some mods that add new dungeons to Skyrim that are full of complex mind-bending puzzles. Puzzles with no easy solution, and other puzzles that require you to travel the whole dungeon to solve.

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