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Walking to Dinner on Eight


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Ah. I actually find myself using somewhat of a varied vocabulary when it comes to formal writing, but if one continues to read my work, I think it become more evident that I use certain words repeatedly.


Great vocabulary and word choice helps though. Then you can get the message out to the reader crystal clear. Chime versus ring...howl versus coo...you get the picture. Obvious and helpful stuff. :)

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The poem is very excellent!


Love the flow of the words, the imagery and the structure of the poem.


As for problems of 'losing vocabulary', one way of dealing with that is to carry out a series of 'word using exercises' every day. Writing poetry and prose, perhaps doing crosswords, reading bits out of a dictionary or others. Just as exercising the body can assist it against problems, the same is true for the mind. USE IT OR LOSE IT may be the answer for you. If so writing this such poems as this is actually helping you.

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I usually exercised my intelligence by simply thinking. Or conversing. Continually, always articulating to myself in my mind what is going on as I am thinking of the picture itself. I do read the dictionary, and Alias, it is actually rather fun. My favorite and most visited (Aside from this place) website is Dictionary.com... I LOVE the word of the day thing. I should pick up a dictionary BOOK though, lol.


And it is not just in the vocabulary terms. At first it started as this, either that or vocabulary was simply the most noticeable in the beginning, but it is my intelligence in general. Math, history, words, problem solving, pretty much everything.


I too am a bit repetitive with my poetry writing. I tend to use these following words commonly, and quite intentionally, "Glee, Dread, Dead, Horrid... few others.." But glee is repetitive for the reason of it's absolute opposite definition of the mood in which I normally write. Dread is for emphasis, horrid is for placid simplicity of a clear, unobscured mood.


Anyways, I will do more of those brain-workouts though. And the reason I realized I was getting dumber was for the fact that I DO use it, and not just let it sit. And I've noticed my inability to use it as proficiently as prior to the quagmire ailment. Sometimes, however, when the mood is right, and I am either absolutely not sober, (but not drunk. I do not slur my words even when absolutely plastered, although I do tend to articulate more, but I just do not like... thinking.. when drunk. I usually get drunk when I want the thinking to stop! Apparently, however, give me enough alcohol and I talk REEEAAALLL slow.) there are rare, very inoften and less than once a month moments when I feel my true intelligence unhindered. That's pretty much the only reason I don't get seriously depressed over this because whatever is blocking it is not destroying it, as these moments are proof, my knowledge is there, just hindered is all.


But, no matter the fact that my vocabulary isn't as it used to be, my ability for cadence is as of yet left untouched.... relatively... well.. The vocabulary thing really limits me from writing a single thing that would astound anyone anymore. I am very capable, or used to be, but you get the picture.


I'm digressing and lost my train of thought. >_< Anyways, thank you all for the kind words.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I do read the dictionary, and Alias, it is actually rather fun. My favorite and most visited (Aside from this place) website is Dictionary.com... I LOVE the word of the day thing. I should pick up a dictionary BOOK though, lol.




I don't know you any more...




Only kidding.

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