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Will Skyrim run good on this Lenovo?


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I've been looking for a laptop that can run Skyrim with 30-50 mods with little to no lag. I did looked at a few of the specs and I think it's a pretty good laptop sense it has the AMD Elite A-Series core.


Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00J88QRRK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


If it's not can someone link another one or maybe a couple others? They have to have Windows 7 sense I have had very bad things that have happened to one that had Windows 8 on it.



I would be very thankful for the help if you can provided some



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It will run, you should also be able to run a number of mods as well. (I don't know about 50.)


The main barrier is going to be the integrated CPU/GPU - which isn't really that much of a problem as long as you understand that when you're first setting up the game, you need to pick the resolution that your display is. Unlike a desktop (where the CPU/GPU are two different things) a laptop actually uses more processing power using anything other than the "native resolution". Therefore, many of the tips for increasing FPS will not apply to you.


Most likely, you will have a fair to good experience, but if you want great you'd need a desktop.

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You can barely run Skyrim on this laptop with minimal performance-boosting patches, and no graphic / memory intensive mods. It's not a gaming laptop, its a Lenovo. I mean, really think about this before you sell your soul here.. 30-50 mods isn't going to run on that. You should look into a desktop that you can build for the same price that will run 10x better than a lenovo business laptop. I myself have a similar laptop for university purposes and it cannot run games like skyrim without freezing and dying. The only game it has been able to play is Hearthstone, which speaks for itself.

Edited by Myuna
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But to that all I don't have the space for a desktop or the power to run it. I have a laptop with only a 1.5 ghz processor and I can run skyrim with little lag(well 10-15 fps sometimes even 25) on medium settings and 10 mods loaded. I also have book of silence textures for the armor. I am thankful for the suggestions but I see that many of you point to the desktop. I know their better for the gaming but I also need it for my college class.

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I see what you mean, but when you need a laptop you need to spend more money. So it will last. You need to be ready to spend 1000-1500 bucks dude.

Don't worry I have the same brand, a Y580. I can throw mods at it no problem. The same brand has a gaming line, look them up.

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I see what you mean, but when you need a laptop you need to spend more money. So it will last. You need to be ready to spend 1000-1500 bucks dude.

Don't worry I have the same brand, a Y580. I can throw mods at it no problem. The same brand has a gaming line, look them up.


Thanks BoomBro. So what your saying is that Lenovo has gaming laptops to? Awesome.

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Wait, before you start throwing money at it like a madman, let me tell you about my gaming experience: Thinkpad e330, i3, hd3000, 4gig of RAM. Skyrim runs with a pretty neat mod list including PerMa, Apocalypse and combat mods with ~15-20 fps everywhere except for whiterun plains.

I only had to reduce every single texture to no more than 1k resolution, and plenty to even lower res.

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