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Favorite/Least Favorite Flags


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What are your favorite and least favorite flag designs from an aesthetic (meaning best and worst looking) point-of-view? I haven't seen any topics like this on the nexus so I figured I'd make one!



-National flags (both former and current) are preferred, but any flags can be posted, including: state/provincial/canton flags, fictional flags, etc...

-You can include your own country's or state's/province's/canton's flag if you like it (or even if you don't), but don't boast about it

-Posting pictures of the flags is preferred, but try to keep the pictures small-medium size (take a look at the ones on Wikipedia for example)

-If you have more than 10 flags, you should use spoiler tags for pictures or post links instead of pictures

-Keep in mind this is for aesthetic purposes only! If you stray onto the political, religious, or national views of a flag for too long then I will have this topic locked!

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I don't like the flags that all use the exact same colors. Red White Blue stripes in different orders, same for green yellow and red. Really.




























Guinea Bissau



Wait.. Those are all African nations. Must be a continental thing.

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East Germany:






European Union:















Least favorite ones will just be links since there is a limit on the number of pictures:



Edited by DeathWarrior
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I must say I dislike flags that are simply stripes of a base colour. I prefer flags like Japan and Koreas flag...


I hope Australia becomes a republic simply to change our flag into something more interesting, at the current time it looks too much like every other blue-white flag...

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Stylisticaly I like the flag of Papuan New Guinea.


Red and black with a bird on it.


I also like the simple but elegant flags of St. Lucia(another coconut sized island) And Croatia, which sounds pretty boring till you actualy go there and realise it's a mediterranean paradise.(red, white, blue, with a heraldic shield)


My least favorites would be: Guam(looks like a tourist advert) Kosovo(looks like a puddle of spilt coffee, or barf) and despite the fact that I've been there to watch that most awesome of motoircycle races it plays host to every year, the Isle Of Man(what IS that supposed to be?) Isle of man should really have a checkered flag or something like that, it's only export is awesome motorbike racing, Guam needs a proper flag. And Kosovo's looks like it needs a clean.


The flag that does it's job the best though, the job of symoblising and summing up a nation or state in a glance, is probably that of Team Death.


It varies from time to time, but the most recent version is a picture of a cyborg skull and crossed Di'az boltguns. Looks awesome, but also looks piratical, which is what team Death, my lanning group is. We are pirates, we plunder the enemy base for flags and loot, and sail off into the sunset getting drunk on Red Bull and singing "land-shanties".


Finaly, I think the flags of the Space MArine chapters of WarHammer 40k deserve a mention. Every faction has a beautiful hand painted banner symbolising their affilitation. Some are simply spectacular.

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I can't think of a flag I like except the north cali republic flag




also the Māori cultural flag's pretty cool too

Tino Rangatiratanga Maori sovereignty movement flag



but the lest appealing flag is Libyan flag... it's just green, there's nothing to break it up just green, not even different shades.


Someone, some where went "screw it, paint it all green!" and so it was

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