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Unexplained Crash


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I've lost the best part of a day trying to solve a problem with Morrowind. I *have* solved it now, but the solution seems so bizarre that I have decided to document it here, partly to help people who encounter it in the future, but also with a hope that someone can explain it to me.


I use the MGSO installer[1] for a beautifully detailed Morrowind experience. After installing Tel Uvirith Underground[2], which required an NPC head replacer mod[3], I discovered several NPCs had no faces. Clearly my fault, so I ran MGSO again to reapply my selected mod set.


Upon doing so I discovered that the Better Music System mod[4] - a truly wonderful mod which I had previously installed manually - crashed on loading any game, or starting a new one. The error message was:


`Expression Error Unable to find cell id "Ald Redaynia" in script XN_Main_Dunmer".'


After lots of troubleshooting, and no luck online, I discovered that the mod "OTR Coast Variety" conflicted with Better Music System. Disabling one or the other of these two mods fixed the problem.




[1] http://www.ornitocopter.net/morrowind-overhaul/

[2] http://mw.modhistory.com/download-87-9509

[3] http://mw.modhistory.com/download-80-12387

[4] http://mw.modhistory.com/download-61-13678

Edited by MysticXtheUnknown
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