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Phitt's Sheogorad Resource for FNV?


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I found this modder resource for Skyrim, it's pretty awesome, i'm using it to make an island fortress in Skyrim. Anyway, I was wondering if it's available for FNV or something similar, it would make a badass fortress

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The resource was originally for Oblivion but it is a resource so it can be converted to FNV if you're willing to do the work.

i would if i had the time, currently working 6-day weeks. i'm not sure whats involved with the conversion, but if its not too complicated i'll give it a shot if i have time

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It shouldn't take long. Just import to your 3d modelling program, make sure the scale of the object is in line with FNV's 3d model scales, then export with the appropriate .nif settings for FNV and you should be good. What's left is just making sure the correct texture paths are applied in Nifskope.



But this does bring up a cool prospect. Using Skyrim/Oblivion modders' resources in FNV. Only of course if the creator allows for conversion and the resources themselves don't use any Skyrim/Oblivion vanilla assets.

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But this does bring up a cool prospect. Using Skyrim/Oblivion modders' resources in FNV. Only of course if the creator allows for conversion and the resources themselves don't use any Skyrim/Oblivion vanilla assets.

Actually a lot of the initial outfit mods for Fallout 3 and FNV were converted from Oblivion outfit mods with their creator's permissions. There's a few Skyrim modders that also play FNV and so we've also seen a few Skyrim outfit mods converted for use in FNV/FO3.

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Yeah, Blender is what you need to convert the meshes.


I would looove to have these and basically any other Oblivion/Skyrim modders resources, especially Ayleid stuff, but I am so many degrees of fail with Blender >.<

So if you want to do it, I will be over here cheering you on!

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I've learned to convert Oblivion stuff to New Vegas, it's pretty easy.


Load the nif up in Blender (import -> nif), select all, then export (export -> nif). Then open it in Nifskope to fix the texture paths. An important thing to do if you end up with a NiNode is to right-click on the root node (the one at the top right under the NiHeader, it has an index of 0 and should be called NiNode), select "Block", then "Convert". Then choose "Bethesda", and "BsFadeNode". Then save. If you skip the convert step, you won't be able to select the meshes in the object window.


Hit me up if you're having trouble. Good luck! :smile:

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I've learned to convert Oblivion stuff to New Vegas, it's pretty easy.


Load the nif up in Blender (import -> nif), select all, then export (export -> nif). Then open it in Nifskope to fix the texture paths. An important thing to do is to click on the right-click on the root node (the one at the top right under the NiHeader, it has an index of 0), select "Block", then "Convert". Then choose "Bethesda", and "BsFadeNode". Then save. If you skip the convert step, you won't be able to select the meshes in the object window.


Hit me up if you're having trouble. Good luck! :smile:

awesome, i'll give it a shot when i have time, these 6-day work weeks can take it out of you though. but yea, i'll see what i can do

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