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racemenu. I suck. Any tutorial/tips threads or videos?


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Basically what the title says.


I've been tinkering with it for about 4 hours with nothing close to good results. I guess the perception of proportions is not my cup of tea. Although I have gotten some decent-ish results in the past, I'm pretty sure it was pure luck or something...


The best I could ever hope for is videos of people making good looking characters /mods or no mods, doesn't matter/. I came across a thread with some tips here on nexus, but it wasn't much help, unfortunately.


I'm mainly looking for female human race characters with similar results:















PS: Characters must be made with racemenu.

Edited by Relinquish3d
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Each of those shots uses an ENB which will distort the characters real look quite a bit in my experience. As for tutorials sure they're out there. Google "how to create beautiful women in Skyrim" or "how to create beautiful women with ECE" yes I said ECE but in my experience racemenu is actually pretty easy to create a decent blandly pretty female in it's the new ECE sliders that invite too much meddling and make it difficult to do, so that's the tutorial you actually need. I don't think tutorial makers have realized ECE is now included in racemenu so they probably haven't made any new tutorials on how to use those features but they're pretty much the same in both programs.


Or just download a character preset and start from there.

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First, change the preset's hairstyle to one that's either short or pulled back off the face so that you can see the outline of the face shape. Then, you can start working on getting the features right.


Part of the problem in getting a pleasing face is in understanding the basic proportions of the human face. Generally speaking, the eyes fall halfway between the top of the head and the point of the chin. The bottom of the nose is level with the bottom of the ear lobes. The outer corner of the eyebrow is level with the top of the ear. The space between the eyes is one eye width, while the face is around five eye widths. The mouth is roughly the same width as the pupils of the eyes. The distance between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip is roughly a finger's width. The line where the lips meet is about halfway between the bottom of the eye socket on the skull and the point of the chin. Be sure to turn the character's head and check the profile. I've found that if I get a profile I'm happy with, then the rest of the face tends to work. :)


Here is a link to a webpage with a couple of sketches showing how the features line up with each other. The text is a little rough, but the sketches are really helpful. http://www.artist-how-to.com/facialproportions.htm


Obviously, not every face is going to fall into these proportions, but if you're somewhere close to them, then you'll have a face you'll probably be happy with.

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That's most of the things I needed to know, thank you!


I really want to see a video, but I guess I'll have to delve deep into the archives of youtube to find one.




Thanks for the input.


I would definitely love to start from scratch and not bother with presets, because you know... practice makes perfect. But practice without any knowledge would be like banging my head against the keyboard hoping a good character will appear before me out of thin air :laugh:


I'll give it a shot later today, thanks again!

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