SugarSteak Posted January 13, 2015 Share Posted January 13, 2015 (edited) Holle Guys , poor English hope you don't mind . :pinch: Situation description : For my a combat MOD , I am making a new version .When I am during the test, I found the OnHit Event script on NPC appeared about one or two seconds delay for no reason, but it will be run immediately without delay on the player. The part of related delay code : Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()HitTarget = akTarget RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0)RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart")RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop")RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"WeaponSwing")RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop") EndEvent;These are the delay code Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) If !(akSource as Spell || akSource as Explosion || akSource as Ingredient || akSource as Potion || akSource as Enchantment ) If HitTarget.IsDead()==false Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop")Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"BlockStop")Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart") EndIf EndIf EndEvent A part of log show: [None]._CM_OnHitScript.OnEffectFinish() - "_CM_OnHitScript.psc" Line ?[01/11/2015 - 02:17:01AM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForSingleUpdate - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None]._CM_OnHitScript.RegisterForSingleUpdate() - "<native>" Line ?[None]._CM_OnHitScript.OnEffectStart() - "_CM_OnHitScript.psc" Line ?[01/11/2015 - 02:17:01AM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForAnimationEvent - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect typestack:[None]._CM_OnHitScript.RegisterForAnimationEvent() - "<native>" Line ?[None]._CM_OnHitScript.OnEffectStart() - "_CM_OnHitScript.psc" Line ?[01/11/2015 - 02:17:01AM] warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp7"stack:[None]._CM_OnHitScript.OnEffectStart() - "_CM_OnHitScript.psc" Line ?[01/11/2015 - 02:17:01AM] Error: Unable to call RegisterForAnimationEvent - no native object bound to the script object, or object is of incorrect type These error repeated a lots , don't know if these error is the reason for the delay, or perhaps it's just another sign of real causes of delay? Or they are not related ? And, In the old version (1.42), there is a almost same script , but no this bug . :confused:What's the problem >_< PS: I can't upload my script , how to do it ? Edited January 13, 2015 by SugarSteak Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted January 14, 2015 Share Posted January 14, 2015 (edited) PS: I can't upload my script , how to do it ?Copy paste the script code rather than upload it. Use the following, remove the hyphens before posting. [-spoiler][-code]*paste script code here*[/code-][/spoiler-] Should look like the following: *paste script code here* Edited January 14, 2015 by IsharaMeradin Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SugarSteak Posted January 14, 2015 Author Share Posted January 14, 2015 @IsharaMeradin Scriptname _CM_OnHitScript extends activemagiceffect ; Not only hit event , include most functions Actor HitTarget Float TargetMass Float ArmorWeight = 0.0 Armor EvaluateArmor Int i Bool StaggerStopped = false Float LastAttack = 0.0 Float CurrentAttack Int Wound = 0 Int Hurt = 0 Actor PlayerRef Bool b Bool WoundInformed = false Int SleptTime Int WaitedTime Float StaggerTimeCopy Float Pain = 0.0 Bool StartTimers = false Bool ShouldNumb = true Int BlockSkill Int BlockValue Int BaseBlockValue Bool KillDeferred = false Bool DesperationTriggered = false Bool BeAttacked = false Actor Aggressor ;NPC Dodge Actor Attacker Actor DodgeActor Bool Dodged = false KeyWord Property NPC Auto ;Consecutive Hits Int Hits = 0 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() HitTarget = akTarget Attacker = akTarget TargetMass = HitTarget.GetActorValue("mass") BlockSkill = HitTarget.GetActorValue("Block") as Int GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") i = 61 While i >= 30 EvaluateArmor = HitTarget.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i)) as Armor If EvaluateArmor != None ArmorWeight += EvaluateArmor.GetWeight() EndIf i -= 1 EndWhile RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart") RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop") RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"WeaponSwing") RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop") RegisterForAnimationEvent(Attacker,"WeaponSwing") EndEvent Event OnObjectUnequipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) ArmorWeight = 0.0 i = 61 While i >= 30 EvaluateArmor = HitTarget.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i)) as Armor If EvaluateArmor != None ArmorWeight += EvaluateArmor.GetWeight() EndIf i -= 1 EndWhile If akBaseObject as Armor Armor UnEquippedShield = akBaseObject as Armor If UnEquippedShield.IsShield() GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") EndIf ElseIf akBaseObject as Weapon GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") EndIf EndEvent Event OnObjectEquipped(Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference) Utility.Wait(0.5) ArmorWeight = 0.0 i = 61 While i >= 30 EvaluateArmor = HitTarget.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i)) as Armor If EvaluateArmor != None ArmorWeight += EvaluateArmor.GetWeight() EndIf i -= 1 EndWhile If akBaseObject as Armor Armor EquippedShield = akBaseObject as Armor If EquippedShield.IsShield() GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") EndIf ElseIf akBaseObject as Weapon GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") EndIf EndEvent Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName) If (akSource == HitTarget) && (asEventName == "WeaponSwing") HitTarget.SetAnimationVariableBool("IsBlocking",true) EndIf If (akSource == HitTarget) && (asEventName == "AttackStop") HitTarget.SetAnimationVariableBool("IsBlocking",false) EndIf If (akSource == Attacker) && (asEventName == "WeaponSwing") && (Dodged == false) Dodged = true DodgeActor = Attacker.GetCombatTarget() If (DodgeActor as Actor) If (DodgeActor != Game.GetPLayer()) && (DodgeActor.GetRace().HasKeyWord(NPC)) && (DodgeActor.GetActorValue("Stamina")>0) && (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsStaggering") == false) Int DodgeType = Utility.RandomInt(0,3) If (DodgeType >= 1) && (DodgeType <= 3) DodgeActor.SetGhost(true) If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsStaggering") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor,"StaggerStop") EndIf If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsAttacking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "AttackStop") EndIf If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBlocking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "BlockStop") EndIf Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "SprintStart") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "SprintStop") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "MoveStart") If (DodgeType == 1) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeBack") ElseIf (DodgeType == 2) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeLeft") ElseIf (DodgeType == 3) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeRight") EndIf Utility.Wait(0.4) DodgeActor.SetGhost(false) EndIf EndIf EndIf Utility.Wait(3) Dodged = false EndIf EndEvent Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) If !(akSource as Spell || akSource as Explosion || akSource as Ingredient || akSource as Potion || akSource as Enchantment ) Hits += 1 Aggressor = akAggressor as Actor Float AggressorMass = Aggressor.GetActorValue("mass") Float StaggerTime = 0.0 Float WeaponWeight = 0.0 Weapon TheWeapon = akSource as Weapon Float WeaponSkill ;/ If TheWeapon != None Int TheWeaponType = TheWeapon.GetWeaponType() If TheWeapontype == 1 || TheWeaponType == 2 || TheWeaponType == 3 || TheWeaponType == 4 WeaponSkill = Aggressor.GetActorValue("OneHanded") ElseIf TheWeapontype == 5 || TheWeaponType == 6 WeaponSkill = Aggressor.GetActorValue("TwoHanded") EndIf EndIf If abPowerAttack == true If (Aggressor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) == None) && (Aggressor.GetEquippedWeapon() == None) StaggerTime = 1.5 + AggressorMass*0.5 - TargetMass*0.5 - ArmorWeight*0.01 If abHitBlocked == true BlockValue -= (20*AggressorMass) as Int EndIf Else WeaponWeight = TheWeapon.GetWeight() StaggerTime = 0.5 + WeaponWeight*0.15 - ArmorWeight*0.01 - TargetMass*0.25 If abHitBlocked == true BlockValue -= (3*TheWeapon.GetWeight()/(1.5 - 0.01*WeaponSkill)) as Int EndIf EndIf Else If (Aggressor.GetEquippedWeapon(true) == None) && (Aggressor.GetEquippedWeapon() == None) StaggerTime = AggressorMass*0.4 - TargetMass*0.1 - ArmorWeight*0.004 If abHitBlocked == true BlockValue -= (5*AggressorMass) as Int EndIf Else WeaponWeight = TheWeapon.GetWeight() StaggerTime = 0.25 + WeaponWeight*0.04 - ArmorWeight*0.006 - TargetMass*0.25 If abHitBlocked == true BlockValue -= (TheWeapon.GetWeight()/(1.5 - 0.01*WeaponSkill)) as Int EndIf EndIf EndIf If abHitBlocked == true If BlockValue < 0 BlockValue = 0 EndIf StaggerTime *= (1- BlockValue/BaseBlockValue) If (abBashAttack == true) && (HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsAttacking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"RecoilLargeStart") StaggerTime = 0 ElseIf (HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBashing") == true) && (Aggressor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBashing") == false) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Aggressor,"RecoilLargeStart") StaggerTime = 0 ElseIf StaggerTime < 0.5 StaggerTime = 0 If (HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsAttacking") == true) && (abBashAttack == false) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Aggressor,"RecoilLargeStart") ; Utility.Wait(0.5) ; Aggressor.SetAnimationVariableFloat("StaggerMagnitude",0.2) ; Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Aggressor,"StaggerStart") EndIf EndIf EndIf If (abBashAttack == true) && (HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsAttacking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"RecoilLargeStart") ; Utility.Wait(0.5) ; StaggerTime = 0.5 ElseIf (HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBashing") == true) && (Aggressor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBashing") == false) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Aggressor,"RecoilLargeStart") StaggerTime = 0 ; Utility.Wait(0.5) ; Aggressor.SetAnimationVariableFloat("StaggerMagnitude",0.2) ; Debug.SendAnimationEvent(Aggressor,"StaggerStart") EndIf If (Pain > Utility.RandomInt(0,20)) If (StaggerTime >= 1.1) StaggerTime -= 1 ElseIf (StaggerTime > 0.1) StaggerTime = 0.1 EndIf Else StaggerTime += 0.1*Pain EndIf If (Pain <= 0) Pain = 1 Else Pain *= 2 EndIf If (StaggerTime > 0.1) Pain += StaggerTime EndIf /; Stagger(3) ; !!!! This is the main code I want ,and it delay .but I don't know is this function delay or OnHit Event delay ? ConsecutiveHits() EndIf EndEvent Event OnUpdate() If BlockSkill != HitTarget.GetActorValue("Block") GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") EndIf If BlockValue < BaseBlockValue If (BlockValue/BaseBlockValue) < 0.2 BlockValue += (0.05*BaseBlockValue) as Int Else BlockValue += (0.1*BaseBlockValue) as Int EndIf EndIf If BlockValue > BaseBlockValue BlockValue = BaseBlockValue as Int EndIf If (BlockValue/BaseBlockValue) > 0.6 If !HitTarget.HasSpell(BlockFortifySpell) HitTarget.AddSpell(BlockFortifySpell,false) EndIf If HitTarget.HasSpell(BlockWeakenSpell) HitTarget.RemoveSpell(BlockWeakenSpell) EndIf ElseIf (BlockValue/BaseBlockValue) < 0.2 If !HitTarget.HasSpell(BlockWeakenSpell) HitTarget.AddSpell(BlockWeakenSpell,false) EndIf If HitTarget.HasSpell(BlockFortifySpell) HitTarget.RemoveSpell(BlockFortifySpell) EndIf EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndEvent Function Stagger(Float afStaggerTime = 0.0) If HitTarget.IsDead()==false If afStaggerTime >= 0.1 If HitTarget.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsStaggering") == true Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop") StaggerStopped = true EndIf HitTarget.SetAnimationVariableFloat("StaggerMagnitude",afStaggerTime*0.4) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"BlockStop") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart") Utility.Wait(afStaggerTime) If StaggerStopped == false Debug.SendAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop") Else StaggerStopped = false EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunction Function ConsecutiveHits() Utility.Wait(2) Hits -= 1 If (Hits == 0) Pain = 0.0 EndIf EndFunction ;/ State Numb Event OnBeginState() Utility.Wait(3.0) Pain = 0 EndEvent EndState /; State InitBaseBlockValue Event OnBeginState() Int BBA_Coefficient BlockSkill = HitTarget.GetActorValue("Block") as Int If HitTarget.GetEquippedShield() == None If HitTarget.GetEquippedWeapon() != None BBA_Coefficient = HitTarget.GetEquippedWeapon().GetWeight() as Int BaseBlockValue = (0.8*BlockSkill + BBA_Coefficient/(1.5 - 0.01*BlockSkill)) as Int EndIf Else BBA_Coefficient = HitTarget.GetEquippedShield().GetArmorRating() as Int BaseBlockValue = (3*BBA_Coefficient/(1.4 - 0.01*BlockSkill)) as Int EndIf ; If PlayerRef == HitTarget ; Debug.Notification("Block Value: "+BlockValue+"/"+BaseBlockValue) ; EndIf If BaseBlockValue == 0 BaseBlockValue = 1 EndIf EndEvent EndState ;/ State Dodge Event OnBeginState() Int DodgeType = Utility.RandomInt(0,3) If (DodgeType >= 1) && (DodgeType <= 3) DodgeActor.SetGhost(true) If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsStaggering") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor,"StaggerStop") EndIf If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsAttacking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "AttackStop") EndIf If (DodgeActor.GetAnimationVariablebool("IsBlocking") == true) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "BlockStop") EndIf Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "SprintStart") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "SprintStop") Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "MoveStart") If (DodgeType == 1) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeBack") ElseIf (DodgeType == 2) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeLeft") ElseIf (DodgeType == 3) Debug.SendAnimationEvent(DodgeActor, "DodgeRight") EndIf Utility.Wait(0.4) DodgeActor.SetGhost(false) EndIf EndEvent EndState /; Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) If akTarget.HasSpell(BlockWeakenSpell) akTarget.RemoveSpell(BlockWeakenSpell) EndIf If akTarget.HasSpell(BlockFortifySpell) akTarget.RemoveSpell(BlockFortifySpell) EndIf ; DodgeActor.SetGhost(false) EndEvent Spell Property BlockFortifySpell Auto Spell Property BlockWeakenSpell Auto Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elezraita Posted January 14, 2015 Share Posted January 14, 2015 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() HitTarget = akTarget Attacker = akTarget TargetMass = HitTarget.GetActorValue("mass") BlockSkill = HitTarget.GetActorValue("Block") as Int GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") I'm a little confused as to why your HitTarget and the Attacker are both defined as the akTarget. If they are both the same actor, why do you need to define both? Should Attacker=akCaster? I'm pretty new at this; that's why I'm asking. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThreeTen Posted January 16, 2015 Share Posted January 16, 2015 wouldn't you want it as akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"WeaponSwing") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop") As that is the person you want to have the animation happen to?I also am somewhat unfamiliar with animation events so I also could be full of crap Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SugarSteak Posted January 16, 2015 Author Share Posted January 16, 2015 wouldn't you want it as akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStart") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"StaggerStop") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"WeaponSwing") akTarget.RegisterForAnimationEvent(HitTarget,"AttackStop") As that is the person you want to have the animation happen to?I also am somewhat unfamiliar with animation events so I also could be full of crap look here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SugarSteak Posted January 17, 2015 Author Share Posted January 17, 2015 Lucky, I fix the delay.It's not the OnHit script caused, Just my a mistake in apply the OnHit script to NPCs . Scriptname _CM_ApplySpellScript extends activemagiceffect SPELL Property OnHitAbility Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.AddSpell(OnHitAbility,false) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) akTarget.RemoveSpell(OnHitAbility) ;So fool, why I had want it to remove ? EndEvent :laugh: Thanks for guys' help Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SugarSteak Posted January 17, 2015 Author Share Posted January 17, 2015 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() HitTarget = akTarget Attacker = akTarget TargetMass = HitTarget.GetActorValue("mass") BlockSkill = HitTarget.GetActorValue("Block") as Int GotoState("InitBaseBlockValue") I'm a little confused as to why your HitTarget and the Attacker are both defined as the akTarget. If they are both the same actor, why do you need to define both? Should Attacker=akCaster? I'm pretty new at this; that's why I'm asking. Because this script is not only for HIt Event ,but also for dodge 、block etc, in order to I avoid confuse them, I call them different name . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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