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How do i get an integer variable to show up in a string?


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newstring = oldstringprefix + iValue + oldstringsuffix


I ended up writing a string substitution script that would do the trick.




Scriptname JaxonzStringUtil
{string manipulation utility}

import StringUtil
import Debug

String Function StringSubst (String sOriginal, String sFind, String sReplace) global
;replace all occurrances of sFind in sOriginal with sReplace
	int iFoundLocation
	int iFindLen = GetLength(sFind)
	int iReplaceLen = GetLength(sReplace)
	int iFindReplaceLenDiff = iReplaceLen - iFindLen
	iFoundLocation = Find(sOriginal, sFind, iFoundLocation)
	While iFoundLocation > -1
		if iFoundLocation == 0	;a little weirdness here because asking Substring to return 0 length actually returns entire to string end
			sOriginal = sReplace + Substring(sOriginal, iFoundLocation + iFindLen)
			sOriginal = Substring(sOriginal, 0, iFoundLocation) + sReplace + Substring(sOriginal, iFoundLocation + iFindLen)		
		iFoundLocation = Find(sOriginal, sFind, iFoundLocation + iFindReplaceLenDiff)
	return sOriginal




That way you could just do:

Notification(StringSubst("You have # arrows left", "#", iNumArrows)


Would be great if we had a C version of this in StringUtil. It would be a simple passthrough to the native function and much faster.


Hope that helps.

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That sure looks complicated.... Glad I have no need to do that.



Assuming you already have an integer or float that tracks the # killed...

For the example we'll call that variable NumKilled.


Debug.Notification("You have killed this enemy "+NumKilled+" times.")

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If you're going to be reusing the same text and only want to change the numerical value, you can use message.show(Number)




And format the message according to the flags on that page. In your case it would look like:


"You killed this enemy %.0f times."


Preferable in my opinion to putting the string in your script.

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