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Knights of the White Stallion


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Well I have less than 255 actually activated, and less than the limit for unactive ones, as oblivion runs fine as long as the bashed patch isn't activated.


If oblivion runs as long as the bashed patch isn't activated, there there is something wrong with your bashed patch. First thing I would check is that the rebuild of the patch was successful (to make sure that a mod that you've removed is not still a part of your patch - happened to me once). Then I would recommend changing the options for your bashed patch (unchecking things to see what effect it has on the rebuilt patch and your game).

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BOSS says nothing. The log just says their names, no additional advice.

Well now


your load order has only one occurrence of the phrases






two occurrences of




but its not the one you need




so this implies that BOSS simply isn't running properly

because it neglected to tell you that you are missing the ESP's that the two listed patches REQUIRE


making it obvious why your game is K-Rashing

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I've looked through the bashed patch and made sure no unused mods are checked, made sure it finished properly, as well as tried unchecking tweaks and things like the ooo esps in relations and factions since I have fcom. As to the patches with missing masters, I do have both those mods, I simply used a merged esp for all Unique Landscape esps with the master for the patches manually changed via wyre bash. Btw the UL merged esp works by itself, so it isn't that which is causing the crash. It's something with the bashed patch I think, but I'm having a large deal of trouble figuring out what.
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I was under the impression it only mattered which plugins were activated, not merged, imported, or just in the directory. So I have to make it so I only have 255 plugins, regardless of their status?


That is what I said in an earlier post.

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Yes I was just confirming that as I have never heard it before. I don't seem to be over the limit for files in the data directory, oblivion runs without the bashed patch, but it may be that the bashed patch takes it over the limit of data by importing and merging, although I thought that is what the bashed patch was supposed to circumvent.
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Your ACTIVE esp count, according to your Wrye Bash mod list, is Hex FC, which is 252 mods NOT COUNTING all of the many inactive and merged ones. Now remembering that the game processes ALL plugins, inactive or not, I would say that takes you over the limit, wouldn't you?
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