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Isengard mod v1.3 !!!


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Hey everybody!


Today I've worked on re-fineing Isengard mod v1.2, and finished v1.3.


The thing was, that I noticed that due to my misuse of NetImmerse .nif exporter (I exported files with the lights of 3dsMax), there was a "Constant" light projected on my weponary models. That prevented from real-time dynamic light effects to be implemented on the models, resaulting in an un-realistic look of the wepons (especially in very dark places, where instead of appearing dark, because of the constant light they had, they appeare to "glow" as if not effected by the surrounding darkness).


So, I desided to launch a v1.3, which will also include the scimitars, and some other variouse corrections (such as missplacement, and accidental overpowering).


Here is a list of changes, included in the "ReadMe (v1.3).doc":

-Additions (v1.3)


-Inside the chest, on the roof of Orthanc, are 4 items:

-Elendil's Helm

-Elendil's Sword - Narsil

-Uruk-Hai Scimitar

-Uruk-Hai Long Scimitar


-All wepons previousely had a fixed light on them, even in dark places,

which made them look unrealistic. It also prevented from real-time lighting to be realisticly applied on them: "All wepons are now propperly lit."


-Elendil's Helm: Previousely mistakenly Over-Powered (ArmorRating=750), "It is now propperly powered." (Armor Rating=70)


-Elendil's Sword - Narsil: Previousely Over-Powered, Miss-Placed, and too big (long), "It is now propperly powered, placed and sized."


-Scimitars: Previousely had a built-in texture (for the .nif file),

"They both now use the same .tga file, therefore weigh much

less KB"


And here are some comparison screenshots:


Helm & Sword's Properties Comparison


Elendil's Helm & Sword Comparison


Scimitar Comparison


The mod file is actually already compleated, but MWSource is currently down, and I have no other place to upload it to...


P.S Sorry for the relatively low resolution.... The original pictures are more then 4 time bigger, but as I said, mwsource is still half down, at the moment, and I cant seem to attach even a 186k fpg file, for some reason, so I had to find anothe forum which has a fair attachment capabilities, and the best I have found yet allows for a maximum of 100k per attachment, so I had to re-size all pictures down to 640x480 for the files to fit in...

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Uh, wow. I stand in awe of your work. Could you post a wireframe or untextured view of them? Curious about how you managed to get it looking so good without absolutely killing framerate.
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You mean you dont know about my wepons work?! Where you not on the "old" ME-Mod forums?


Anyway, I do have tons of photorealistic Maya renders of all models, and also some variouse angled in-game ScreenShots of all models, and even some screenshots with FPS=on just to proove everybody wrong about the ultra-high-res models "killing" framerate...


I dont really have untextured/wireframe pictures of all the models except one, of the Narsil model at the very beggining:



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Like it was said in another thread, this community was here before MWC was added to it, and thus a lot of the community weren't on any of the old forums.


As for your work... WOW!! :D Very nice indeed!

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Well, I've tried it, but WOAH what an FPS sucker. And that's on a machine with a 2.6ghz Processor, 512 MB RAM, and a Geforce4 TI4200 graphics card. Though I wasn't running FPS optimizer with it. At 80% view distance FPS dropped down to about 10, anything higher and it went as low as 5. So even with FPS optimizer I don't think 200% would work too well! :blink:


Also, I don't know if it's because the weapons/helm have too many polygons or whatever, but when equipping/unequipping them it froze for anything up to 30 seconds.


Still, pretty nice mod, very nice equipment, just very very slow.

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At what resolution are you playing? Beacouse it doesnt make sens... It is a massive mod, but not THAT massive:


I have a GeForce3 Ti500 on an AthlonXP 2000+ with 768MB of DDR266Mhz Ram, and It runs just fine for me, even at 1600x1200. When around the tower, yea it gets slowed, but not below 10fps (and thats at 1600x1200 Full view distance, mind you...) and the only reason is the fact that the tower is built from 100s of morrowind objects, which will be fixed once I release the new Orthanc model, which will be made out of only aprox. 5 pieces.


As for the wepons/helm equipping?: I have no idea why that happens, work completely normally for me! Just like any other helm/sword.

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768MB of DDR266Mhz Ram

That could be it. I'm only using 512 MB RAM, and RAM can make a lot of difference in Morrowind. Also I'm running it at 1024x728 (something like that). And yes, it is the same as my desktop resolution. Could it be because the character I used for the mod was old? I don't know how that could affect it, though...


Anyway, you might wanna tone it down for lesser PCs, cos mine didn't seem to like it much... :unsure:

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