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¡Hey there!

So this more than a request of a mod would be a request of resource, I'm begining to make my first personal mods, my current objetive is creating a house compatible with hearthfire and multiple adoptions this is my main project


-Outside house

+ Greenhouse, i plan making it half wood half / glass,

+ Stables (decent for 4 horses minimum, I'll explain, i have a mod that includes an optional quest for seeking 6 horses and 6 mares with their correspondent foal, this mod is Swift steeds stables ) I plan using shacks as possible althernative to the current skyrim stables, have already tried this and works)

+ Small Apartment for followers (4 or around, i don't usually take an army with me so i think for the rest it's enough)

+ Farmyard for few goats and cows,

+ Vegetable garden (maybe with 25 plantable areas)

+ stone walls surrounding

+ Forge, workbench, smelter in the back side, probably


pretty much that'd be all in there by now,


- Inside house

+Bathroom (yeah with toilet)

+Master room

+Room for 4 kids



+Meditation area (this plans to add a special blessing, am. if i ever find out how to script)

+Enchanting and alchemy offices,


As you see it's something modest for pretty much a new modder, I'd like to make my first public mod usable for everyone, and i'm also having trouble using some resources apparently, my creation kit seems to have problems with "too many master files opened", So i'd like to request some textures /furniture textures


-For furnitures and floor i specially look for some tone of brown, not exactly vanilla's, something that would look less, old, and more like.. newer, less broken, excuse my english it's hard to explain something so complicated without the help of a nice translator


-and for the walls i look for some, maybe crude tones, (since there's going to be a meditation room),

-For the meditation room it would be super if, i could get some pillow resources,


- A partner for scripts and a bit of help would also be appreciated if anyone is interested in this mod, it would be great


Could this be posible? Thanks for your time

Edited by JockrisLatour
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This website has a ck ini that lets you load DLCs http://www.darkfox127.co.uk/resources.html



1-dragonstone manor has some dark cabinets that would fit and look nice, but they are dark. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36386/?


2-For the walls...walls are rare. Have you tried using RT (Riften) styled walls or take a look at sol(CK name for solitude.)? RT walls have this, dark brown that still pops and sol has walls that truly fit middle classes. Seems classy yet weathered.


It seems you are building a ranch? If you have hearthfire, it will be a good idea to use WR kit. There are many tools (a tower and a baloney X3) Fits high class and farms alike. There also WR styled stable and shacks.


3-what kind of scripts are you looking for? Lighting? Auto-sort? Adoption? (no scripts needed.)




Edited by Boombro
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This website has a ck ini that lets you load DLCs http://www.darkfox127.co.uk/resources.html



1-dragonstone manor has some dark cabinets that would fit and look nice, but they are dark. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36386/?


2-For the walls...walls are rare. Have you tried using RT (Riften) styled walls or take a look at sol(CK name for solitude.)? RT walls have this, dark brown that still pops and sol has walls that truly fit middle classes. Seems classy yet weathered.


It seems you are building a ranch? If you have hearthfire, it will be a good idea to use WR kit. There are many tools (a tower and a baloney X3) Fits high class and farms alike. There also WR styled stable and shacks.


3-what kind of scripts are you looking for? Lighting? Auto-sort? Adoption? (no scripts needed.)






first off, thank you for replying, indeed i'm building a ranch, I'm looking for scripts to make the home buyable for example, since if you don't buy the house apparently the resting bonus is middle-gained, and also how to add the script for meditation room and add the corresponding message on the option "sit"


It's okay if i have to combine dark colors, as well, all i look for is actually a texture for all furniture, to make it match, it.. doesn't really look good to my eyes to have black cabinets and then wooden clear table, cause.. well it disturbs my sight and i assume the people i intend to make the mod for too,

and thank you a lot for the provided links,


another problem is the fact I..well my first language isn't english, and well I have seen some ideas in other player home mods like adding taps and sinks to make an interactive water way, well i have no idea how to do this but i'd love to, don't really know if those are scripts or just options, and of course there are some items i don't even know how are called in my language, like it would be to find out in english xD,


thanks for your provided links i'll try to deal with them, really thanks for your time!

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This is to make your house for sale: http://bertscktutorial.ucoz.com/index/for_sale_sold/0-19 and that odd. Have you tried to make the house owning faction to player faction?


For the meditation room, have you toke a look at the shrines to see how they work?

For sit. There is that camp in riverwood. You can sit on a wooden block take a lot at that.


For water and the like, I'm sure that there no way to learn that. You will have to open the house and see for yourself. Many people like houses as lightly scripted as possible in the other hand.


Don't worry about your English very much. It very good. Just cap your i and first letters. And don't end a sentence with a comma, but a full stop. I have found people with English as first language and they have bad grammar or/and spelling. Some people who learnt it are better because they focus on it more.

Edited by Boombro
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