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Has anyone else ever had this happen?/gotten to this point.


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@ vindekarr


Brokenergy didn't need to read your post fully. I did, and I have read other posts you make elsewhere......you do seem to have a lot of issues that you just rant about, and I have yet to find something positive or worthwhile reading in your posts. As one of the 'peasants' of this world, i found your post highly insulting and full of....how should I put it....Bullsh*t.

You have a very insular and narrow minded view of this world to my mind, I just hope you wake up one day and see that it is you who is contributing a great deal to the greenhouse gasses and feaces of this world as well.

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But I found myself back in the newbie area, Atlas Park. A long time ago, i would have looked at the pitiful crowd of whelps that gathered around the level capped legend among them with a smile. I used to a class trainer a long time ago, teaching runts how to fight like real warriors.


I think it's about experiences. Many a giddy hippy will procclaim that there is good in everyone, that everyone's life is worth living, that nobody is worthless, but today I really just think the morons who wrote those plattitudes need their heads read.


Life is simply an endless powergame. The strong survive, the weak do not. The strong rise by annihilating the weak. By advancing oneself by any means possible does one become strong. Life is in the moment, a game of will and power, the strong have the willpower, the strenght, and the hatred to survive the attempts of the weak to drag them down, the weak lack the empowering heartless streak of the strong.


The truly strong see the world for what it is, cause and effect, weaken a man today and you'll be able to have his job in a year if you play your proverbial cards right. Likewise, avoid friends, avoid letting yourself be weighed down by weakneing forms of emotion. It's all well and good to allow yourself to be loving, sentamental, but that's just more will to power. Life is a struggle, the weak sink and the strong rise.



Having read several of your threads there seems to be a commonality of intent, and this little gem is a perfect summation of your attitude to people and life in general. Since you have made this a personal exposition of your view of the world in which case some comment is not out of place. I have always found that those that have never been shot at beat their chests most loudly and proclaim their warlike virtues, a dose of reality would teach you that 'real warriors' are almost always scared in combat or are liars.


Your view of social Darwinism is more appropriate to the Third Reich than a democratic forum or the open society of Australia. Life has consequences and even prior adherents of your world view saw that at Nuremberg.


This concept of not requiring friends will become a self fulfilling prophesy and eventually you will find that relationships have a reciprocity built in to them, you only get out of them what you put into them. 'Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" People only will take so much before they see that you are taking but not giving and that will be the end of that social interplay. So if the objective is to be alone friendless and isolated you are exactly on track, well done. I hope you enjoy the consequences of a self centered universe.

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@ vindekarr


Brokenergy didn't need to read your post fully. I did, and I have read other posts you make elsewhere......you do seem to have a lot of issues that you just rant about, and I have yet to find something positive or worthwhile reading in your posts. As one of the 'peasants' of this world, i found your post highly insulting and full of....how should I put it....Bullsh*t.

You have a very insular and narrow minded view of this world to my mind, I just hope you wake up one day and see that it is you who is contributing a great deal to the greenhouse gasses and feaces of this world as well.




Here, here!!

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But I found myself back in the newbie area, Atlas Park. A long time ago, i would have looked at the pitiful crowd of whelps that gathered around the level capped legend among them with a smile. I used to a class trainer a long time ago, teaching runts how to fight like real warriors.


I think it's about experiences. Many a giddy hippy will procclaim that there is good in everyone, that everyone's life is worth living, that nobody is worthless, but today I really just think the morons who wrote those plattitudes need their heads read.


Life is simply an endless powergame. The strong survive, the weak do not. The strong rise by annihilating the weak. By advancing oneself by any means possible does one become strong. Life is in the moment, a game of will and power, the strong have the willpower, the strenght, and the hatred to survive the attempts of the weak to drag them down, the weak lack the empowering heartless streak of the strong.


The truly strong see the world for what it is, cause and effect, weaken a man today and you'll be able to have his job in a year if you play your proverbial cards right. Likewise, avoid friends, avoid letting yourself be weighed down by weakneing forms of emotion. It's all well and good to allow yourself to be loving, sentamental, but that's just more will to power. Life is a struggle, the weak sink and the strong rise.



Having read several of your threads there seems to be a commonality of intent, and this little gem is a perfect summation of your attitude to people and life in general. Since you have made this a personal exposition of your view of the world in which case some comment is not out of place. I have always found that those that have never been shot at beat their chests most loudly and proclaim their warlike virtues, a dose of reality would teach you that 'real warriors' are almost always scared in combat or are liars.


Your view of social Darwinism is more appropriate to the Third Reich than a democratic forum or the open society of Australia. Life has consequences and even prior adherents of your world view saw that at Nuremberg.


This concept of not requiring friends will become a self fulfilling prophesy and eventually you will find that relationships have a reciprocity built in to them, you only get out of them what you put into them. 'Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" People only will take so much before they see that you are taking but not giving and that will be the end of that social interplay. So if the objective is to be alone friendless and isolated you are exactly on track, well done. I hope you enjoy the consequences of a self centered universe.


Well said, my good man!!

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Wow, I'm saddened for you Vindekarr.

I will confess I've had fleeting moments where I've thought as you do. I have always excelled academically, but the difference is, when I find myself become exasperated with others not being able to keep up with me I think "Grit your teeth Elouise. It's not their fault. I'm sure there's something they are better at than I am.", I don't think that I am somehow superior to anyone else simply because I have been lucky enough to be endowed with a quick and agile mind.

We all have strengths and we all have our weaknesses. No one person is better than anyone else. Yes, there are people that seem to take the greatest of pleasure from hurting others, but I still wouldn't say I'm better than them, I'm just more compassionate. The only way to negate that kind of harmful attitude is to not let yourself be affected by it. If you let them make you hurt, they win. Mourn your friend, but don't retain bitterness in your heart, it only hurts you and those who love you.

Yes, I am an optimist, and I am also trusting enough that it has been to my detriment at the hands of others. Still, I prefer to remain trusting and loving, despite how many times I am kicked in the teeth because of it. Why? I suppose because I firmly believe if you dispense hate to the world, all you'll recieve is return is hatred. Being trusting and convivial has, with the odd exception, served me well for 33 years. Others may look at my life and think it's a bit of a non-event. I don't have much in the way of material possesions, tending (as I do) to fritter my money away on fun, impulse things, but I measure how successful my life is by how much time I spend with a smile on my face. And that's a lot of the time.

I sincerely hope you find a more peaceful and happy place within yourself.

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