darkedge42392 Posted January 15, 2015 Share Posted January 15, 2015 Hello and welcome to the discussion thread for our new Elder Scrolls RP! Please keep all Out of Character (OOC) discussion here in this thread, and please, submit some character sheets! This RP is set 25 years after the events of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in the province to the West, High Rock. The Daedric Prince Vaermina's artifact, Vaermina's Orb, has been stolen from her temple, and she seeks to recover it by any means necessary. That of course means, the countryside around the Orb is engulfed in nightmares from the wrath of the Daedric Prince. First off, here are some general rules to follow during this RP, made by Lisnpuppy: 1) Have fun. If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue or go do something else.2) Never forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy, especially when you have particularly intense RP, to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you.3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own, don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me, when your time comes around, people will remember that you play well with others.6) Don't be a MaryJane! Don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere, and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.7) No godmoding!! Remember, you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP, do not take over the actions of other Rpers.For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is.8 ) Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play our character as crazy, a total badass or having an illness or amnesia. Those can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything! 10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later And here are a few more rules from AurianaValoria1 herself: 11) Rulers of cities are not allowed. It makes little sense for a character to be a ruler of a city and an adventurer at the same time.12) No teleportation. For one thing, it can get really OP very quickly. For another, it causes pandemonium. 13) No dragons or Dragonborn characters allowed. No Daedric Princes incarnate (or Divines, for that matter), extremely long-lived Champions of Cyrodiil, Nerevarines, etc. Your character here is not a special prophesied hero, but a humble adventurer.14) No strong sexual content. Just because your character/characters are in a relationship it doesn't mean that everyone wants to read what they are doing in their private time.15) You are limited to THREE main characters. Side characters are allowed, but they must be in and out very quickly...no becoming a permanent part of the story. Additionally, it is important (not to mention courteous) to take turns posting. If you are waiting on a roleplayer to interact with you, and they have not posted in a few days, PM them...they may be busy or may have simply forgotten that it was his or her turn to post. Please be considerate. :smile: And finally, here is the template for the Character Sheets anyone interested should post accordingly: Name: Race: Gender: Age: Appearance: Skills: Equipment: Homeland: Personality: Background: The RP starts http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2475544-tangled-webs-an-elder-scrolls-rp/ here! :D Enjoy and make sure to post! Finally, here is a map of High Rock! :D http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713192308/elderscrolls/images/a/a8/HighRockSmart.jpeg Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoulofChrysamere Posted January 15, 2015 Share Posted January 15, 2015 (edited) This is the general sequence of our story's events.as it currently stands. Step 1: Make characters and bring them together.Step 2: Familiarze characters with each other so they aren't splitting hairs in times of crisis.Step 3: Discover the trouble brewing in the respective region of the world.Step 4: Come to learn it's Vaermina's doing and figure out why she's so angry at the universe right now.Step 5: Try to come to an agreement on how to resolve this predicament.Step 6: Survive the antagonist(s') resistance as we carry out our solution.======================A few more tips to keep in mind while participating in this roleplay. Keep transition/travel posts short and sweet - no spending eight posts on a boring, uneventful carriage ride. If character interaction is needed during the journey, it should be mentioned in passing unless a certain point absolutely needs special attention. It's acceptable to have an interruption to a journey every once in a while, but this frequency should be very low. The events should not be some great battle that exhausts the group's resources before they reach their end destination; a simple bandit raid or similar nuisance will suffice. Don't make unnecessarily long posts about extremely trivial things like personal hygiene or having lunch. We're trying to prevail against a Daedric Prince's wrath - not document every single moment of our characters' lives. For the sake of preserving continuity, coherency, and people's interest in the story, do not go off on grandiose side quests. Every major action we undertake should work toward ending Vaermina's temper tantrum, and that means no moonlighting as a freelance bandit hunter or something of the sort. Title your post with your chracter(s) name(s) and location(s). This helps everyone to keep track of who controls who and where everybody is. Edited January 15, 2015 by SoulofChrysamere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zephyr2011 Posted January 15, 2015 Share Posted January 15, 2015 EDIT: a few additions to appearance. I rewrote that section so many times before I actually posted that I kept missing parts I wanted :P Name: Baltis Arendus Race: Dunmer Gender: Male Age: 45 Appearance: Baltis cuts a lean figure, even for a mer. His face is the typical angled and severe cut of the Dunmer people though with a slightly wider sit. His eyes shine slightly redder than most Dark Elves and catch light very well. His hair is kept pulled back in a gentleman's knot. A bizarre scar cuts from the middle of his right cheek, across his jaw bone and down to near his Adam's apple, the scar is far bulkier and looks more like a tear higher up. A second scar is a puncture wound near the small of his back, tattooed over it is the sigil of the nocturnal. Over his heart is the black hand of the Dark Brotherhood. He typically sports dark leather and fur finery with a wolf skin cloak. At his side he carries a decorative steel shortsword with a black leather bound handle and jet pommel. When he is "working" he dons his armor (see below) and dagger. Skills: Sneak, pickpocket, lockpick, alchemy, one-handed (daggers specifically, minimal "in combat" expertise) Equipment: Baltis's armor is a hybridization of the Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood armors. The armor is built similarly to the Thieve's Guild sort, but is died the dark black of the brotherhood. It was issued to him by the Thieves Guild and thus bears the typical enchantments to bolster thievery, while the color is cosmetic and practical on its own. Baltis's dagger is a curved steel blade, kept razor sharp by only the most calculated use and due diligence. The decorative shortsword is battle ready, but not quite optimally balanced as the pommel stone was added after the forging as a decorative piece. Baltis "recovered" this shortsword from a noble's house in Chorral. Homeland: Windhelm, Skyrim Personality: Baltis is a smooth talker and a rather amiable fellow, but has a mistrust of most Nords. He appreciates family values and will aid most people that ask for help for the sake of their loved ones while he is otherwise fairly selfish. Baltis can be sly and sneaky, but generally holds a carefree, lopsided smile, like he knows something you don't, because you probably don't know the price of every guard in the city or how fast he can rob you. Background: Baltis's family were refugees from Morrowind who came to Windhelm seeking a new place to call home. Baltis's father was an alchemist and named his first born son after one of his inspirational authors, the famed Baltis Llervu of House Telvanni who went missing not long after publishing his treatises. Unfortunately for the Arendus's, alchemists were not in so great of a demand in Windhelm as to bring a Dark Elf business. Batlis grew up poor and downtrodden in a city that never wanted him, his family or his people. In order to help his father feed their family, Baltis took to stealing food. When he grew older, Baltis heard talk of the Thieve's Guild and traveled to Riften where he hoped his skills would bring him enough gold to help lift his family out of poverty. The young thief found ready acceptance amongst the guild, but the guild itself was not nearly as glorious as it used to be. He worked hard on any job Vex or Delvin Malory would give him and was one of the new members who helped get the guild back on its feet. Many members had no qualms about roughing up marks, or even killing watchmen to get the coin they needed, but Baltis always refused to harm another person. The coin was slow at first, but extortion and racketeering began to pay off for the guild, opening up new avenues in new cities. Each month, Baltis made sure to visit his family in Windhelm and give his parents no less than 1000 septims. He urged them to leave the city with his younger brother and sister, but they did not know where to go. In 4E201, Baltis visited Windhelm to find his family's hovel open, filthy and torn apart. In dismay he ran around the city until the undertaker informed him that a particularly drunken Nord had beat his mother to death and stabbed his father before killing his younger siblings. Enraged Baltis searched the city for news of who committed this atrocity. At last he had the name: Rolff. Baltis took his information to Ulfric Stormcloak who brushed him aside, citing his need to tend to the war. The castle steward refused to spare the men, he couldn't even spare guards to investigate murders of wealthy, Nord citizens. Baltis was infuriated. Baltis found Rolff and confronted him, the drunkard even bragged about raping his sister before killing her. This drove Baltis into a fury he had never known. Before the Nord even knew what was happening, his dagger had been stolen and tore him open from belly to sternum. Baltis remembered staring into Rolff's eyes, filled with hate and savoring the life slowly draining from those blue, condescending orbs. Baltis left the city before the guards discovered the body, but his identity was surely known. He had roared at the Jarl and steward and demanded justice. Someone else knew as well. When he stopped to rest at an inn on the way back to the guild in Riften, he was confronted by a Dark Brotherhood envoy, Astrid. At first Baltis was conflicted on whether or not he wished to completely change his ways. He thought back on the hatred he had felt for Rolff, at how much he resented those with power for doing nothing. There were people who deserved to die, but who could not be brought to justice by normal means. He would be those means. And so he entered the Brotherhood's fold. As time passed, the Thieve's Guild returned to its former glory with a new master at the helm. Baltis spent most of his time still working as a thief, but occasionally a letter arrived for him from the Brotherhood about a noble, a thane, a guard or some other person who would not be touched by the guards and Baltis would bring them to justice. He became wealthy and no longer needed to kill or steal for money, but purely for the pleasure of it. He became good at slitting throats and stabbing backs without being noticed and began eradicating any Stormcloaks he came across. When Titus Mede II was assassinated by the new Listener and the Skyrim branch of the Brotherhood was all but destroyed, Baltis helped to rebuild. As time went on though, Baltis's involvement with his guilds faded. He began to travel, having always stayed at one of his guild halls, he never had cause to spend much of his hoarded coin and could afford to travel and give the air of a nobleman on a journey. 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darkedge42392 Posted January 15, 2015 Author Share Posted January 15, 2015 Name: Varys Sul Race: Dunmer Gender: Male Age: 55 Appearance: Varys is average height for a Dunmer, around 5'8", and has a solid and lean frame of working muscle. He has a sharp, angled Dunmeri face, with long, shoulder length copper hair pulled back out of his face. He wears no facial hair. His dark ruby colored eyes are set deep into his skull, and reflect light as a dull red. He wears a red half moon checkered warpaint that goes from his hairline, across his right eye, and around to his right ear. He also wears three golden earrings in each ear. When it is cold enough, he wears a heavy black wolfskin cloak. Skills: Spear, Long Blade, Short Blade, Heavy Armor, Block, Athletics Equipment: Varys uses an eight foot steel winged spear, with the lugs or "wings" of the spear allowing himself to better parry other weapons with. The shaft of the spear is made of Skyrim's iconic Ironwood, with a hefty steel nub at the foot of the spear to allow for minor counterbalance. To backup his main weapon, he wears a steel longsword on his hip. He also carries a small knife in the top of his right boot. As a Redoran Guard, Varys wears the iconic Gah-Julan Bonemold armor of his Great House, though he rarely wears the helm anymore. He also carries a Bonemold Shield which he keeps strapped over his pack when not in use. Out of armor, he wears a simple linen jerkin and soft leather pants and boots. Homeland: Blacklight, Morrowind Personality: Varys is a cool and collected Dunmer, who many would consider cold, due to his usual lack of empathy for the other races of Tamriel. He cares little for the troubles of the outside world, and usually likes to be left alone, as he has witnessed the hardships and cruelty of the Nords to his own people in Windhelm, which left ashes in his mouth. He honors loyalty and honesty above any other traits, and despises those who would lie or cheat their ways out of their due consequences. For the most part, Varys is a calculating mer, with a penchant for being softspoken and having great a love of history and books. Background: Varys was born at the end of the Great War, which for the most part passed unnoticed in his small corner of Morrowind. He was inducted into the Redoran Guard when he was 17, and proceeded to excel his training and rose to be a shrewd and calculating guardsmen, enough so that he was chosen to be the personal guard of several Redoran Councilors for the next two and a half decades. Eventually, boring guard duty forced him to branch out and seek the training of a reclusive veteran of the Oblivion Crisis named Adrynn Indarys, who had shut himself away from the world and only wished to be left alone. But his exploits both before and during the Oblivion Crisis had piqued Varys's interest. The young Redoran Guard had taken it upon himself to pull the grizzled old mer out of his shell and fast became his friend, learning many things about the world through Adrynn's stories. He longed to see the far corners of the world that the old mer talked about, and soon after Adrynn returned from his last adventure, Varys was amazed to learn that Adrynn wanted him as his personal guard. Several years after the defeat of Alduin at the hands of the Dovahkiin, Adrynn and Varys traveled throughout Skyrim as envoys of House Redoran, where Varys was unfortunate to see the horrific conditions his fellow Dunmer lived in in Windhelm. This turned him very cold to Nords in general, as he couldn't believe how harsh the people where to those in need. Regardless of the fact, Varys continued to travel with Adrynn as they worked to better relations with the various provinces of Tamriel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyacathusarullistad Posted January 15, 2015 Share Posted January 15, 2015 I'm on campus at the moment, and don't have time to post a full character sheet right this second. Please consider this a temporary placeholder - I'll have a character sheet ready in the next 8-10 hours for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AurianaValoria1 Posted January 16, 2015 Share Posted January 16, 2015 Name: Katarin Maelle Race: Breton Gender: Female Age: 25 Appearance: Katarin is petite of build, slim and lithe, with an oval face, small lips, large and doe-like brown eyes, and a turned-up nose. Her shoulder-length straight hair is sandy-blonde and worn in a tight ponytail. Due to her size, she is often mistaken for a teen, but she is, in fact, an adult. Skills: Long Blade, Light Armor, Conjuration, Alchemy, Enchanting Equipment: Katarin wears a full suit of elven armor, minus the helm. When not expecting combat, she favors a loose raiment of powder-blue robes tied with a simple leather belt. Homeland: Camlorn, High Rock Personality: Enthusiastic, but shy. Katarin is easy to upset, as she is strangely self-conscious - the more flustered she gets, the worse her magic-casting becomes; unfortunately, stress causes her to make mistakes, and the more mistakes she makes, the more stressed she is. She is eager to make friends but is always afraid they will constantly judge her competence as a mage and perhaps even abandon her if she does not meet their expectations. Background: Born into a merchant family, Katarin displayed a talent for magic at a very young age. Her father constantly pressured her to be the top of her class if she wanted to avoid a life of selling textiles and general goods, and so she has now become more than a bit of a perfectionist. It has served her well, and she has recently graduated the local mages' guild as a fully-fledged conjurer. Katarin now seeks adventure, following rumors of strange happenings going on with nightmares and assassins... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkedge42392 Posted January 16, 2015 Author Share Posted January 16, 2015 Great character sheets guys. :D Keep them coming. I'll try to get the first post going here soon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkedge42392 Posted January 16, 2015 Author Share Posted January 16, 2015 Ok, I have the first post for the RP up. Give it a read and let me know what you think! Don't forget to post yourselves. :D And keep the character sheets coming. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoulofChrysamere Posted January 16, 2015 Share Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) Character 1 Name: Mjaska Red-Feather Race: Nord Gender: Female Age: 31 Appearance: 6'2''; dark, dirty blonde hair, short-cut; a fair, freckled skin tone with a slight tan; narrow, stormcloud gray eyes; a slender-bridged nose with wide nostrils; puffy, dark pink lips; high, slightly rounded cheeks; wide, square jaw; slightly pointed chin; large, rounded ears; muscular, slightly stocky build with unusually broad shoulders; conservatively buxom bosom. Skills: Medium and Light Armors; Two-Handed Blades; Hand-to-Hand; Athletics; Armorer (equipment care only) Equipment: Barbut-style leather helm plated with steel, a Dwemer-alloy chainmail vest with mail-overlaid pauldrons; leather-fingered gauntlets with steel backs and wrists; heavily padded leather greaves with studded kneecaps; leather boots with thin steel-plates over the shins; a simple brown jerkin with matching pants when not geared up; a fire-enchanted Dwemer swordstaff, a custom-made weapon acquired in Markarth. Homeland: Riften, Skyrim Personality: Somber, somewhat introverted, with occasional slips into depression. Even-tempered most of the time, but has quite a low tolerance for nonsense and is especially vulnerable to personal insults and attacks. Is not long on especially long on patience at any given time, but much less so when things are intense. While tactless in speech and mildly simple in vocabulary, she is rather clever when it comes to combat. While a perfectionist who takes pride in her skills as a warrior, but is no so proud as to admit defeat when bested in a duel or spar. While her interest in people comes and goes, her interest in adventure never wanes. Background: As with so many unfortunate souls in the great slum of Riften, Mjaska was born of an emotionally detached lust rather than a passionate, committed couple. Her father was an anonymous, large, lunkhead of an Orc mercenary that impregnated a typical Nordic brothel girl named Sethna. Mjaska was born in Riften's Temple of Mara, but was fated for a childhood of abandonment and hardship. Sadly for the babe, Sethna had no intention of raising her newborn child, and unable to support Mjaska themselves, the temple's priests turned her over to the Honorhall Orphanage. Despite the overall improvement of the orphanage's conditions under Constance Michel's leadership, Mjaska grew into a depressed, distant child as she heard her fellow orphans' stories and recognized she shared a similar origin to a fair few of them. Upon learning from Constance that she had been delivered to the orphanage by a priest of Mara, Mjaska begged Constance to take her to the temple so she could see if anyone there remembered her parents. After a week of Mjaska's incessant pleading, Constance finally gave in and took the young girl to the temple against her better judgement. Most of the staff couldn't recall Sethna, but one priest with a particularly keen memory remembered her. The story that followed cut Mjaska's already sad heart even deeper, and the dismal walk back to the orphanage might as well have been across the province. The revelation drove Mjaska into bitterness and mischief during the rest of her early childhood, but her direction took a turn for the better during her early adolescence. Gordir, a Riften guardsman and friend of Constance's, happened to make one of his occasional visits to the orphanage while Mjaska was busy roughing up one of the boys that regularly pestered her. Gordir watched the spectacle, and after the boy surrendered, he walked over to Mjaska and jokingly asked if she thought she could handle a fully grown man. When Mjaska replied confidently, Gordir let out a hearty laugh and praised the girl's courage. Over lunch, Constance's and Gordir's conversation eventually drifted around to Mjaska. After informing Gordir of her backstory and brash behavior, Constance asked him if he would consider teaching her how to fight, saying that it would teach her some discipline and humility. Taken by sympathy, Gordir agreed. The next few years saw an uneasy relationship between teacher and student as Mjaska's antics proved an arduous test of Gordir's patience, but as he instructed her, there was no denying that Mjaska had a certain intelligence for fighting. By age eighteen, Mjaska had grown into a hulking young lass with a stout right hook and a pair of shoulders that rivaled a man's. However, her fledgling skills were still mostly used for bar fights and decking lustful men that couldn't take blunt hints. In light of this, Gordir came to decide that the best way for Mjaska to learn some maturity was to join the Riften Guard and be posted at one of the guard towers on the roads. Over the next couple of years, Mjaska came to discover just why the Rift had a reputation as some of Skyrim's worst bandit country. Although despite the bandit raids, Mjaska gradually became a certain kind of enchanted with the landscapes of the Rift, and developed a curiosity as to what lay beyond the area around Riften and its outlying farms. After four years of saving her earnings, Mjaska confided in Gordir that she had grown to want more adventure than a guard post could offer. Reluctantly, Gordir consented and offered to foot the remainder of her new equipment's price. After turning in her guard's equipment, Mjaska purchased a new outfit and a strong steel greatsword from an aging Balimund. The next few years saw Mjaska slowly traverse Skyrim's lands east to west, finding work as a blade for hire. When she came into Markarth, she fell in with a mercenary group that had taken an extended stay in the city since there was good money to be made killing Forsworn. At age twenty-six, Mjaska learned what it was like to do battle against a Forsworn encampment. The couple of years that followed saw her quickly learn what it was to be part of a team as anything else would have led to the deaths of her and her fellow mercenaries. By the time she had tired of facing the Forsworn, Mjaska had accumulated a small fortune. Not one to dream of one day owning a large estate and spending her remaining days in idleness, Mjaska used her coin to commission several special armor components made from Dwemer metal as well as a Dwemer-metal swordstaff modeled after the steel one she had discovered shortly after an exotic wares merchant had arrived in Markarth. One engagement with the Forsworn led to Mjaska saving the life of a captive traveling mage that happened to still be around town at that point. As a gratitude, the mage offered to enchant her swordstaff free of charge. Thus originated much of her current equipment. It was also during her time in the Reach that Mjaska earned her title "Red-Feather." When the group assaulted a certain Forsworn encampment, one startled Reachmen had apparently been preparing to cook some manner of red-feathered bird. The man gave into cowardice and hid in one of the tents - curiously still clutching the bird - while all of his bretheren were slain. When the mercenaries began searching through the tents for stragglers, Mjaska happened to pick the one that concealed the Reachman. Finally deciding that if he must die, he should die fighting, the man hurled the fowl at Mjaska before charging with his weapon. The bird grazed Mjaska's face, but she was able to recover quickly enough to put the man down. Another of the mercenaries ran in soon after, only to find the enemy already dead and Mjaska picking a red feather from the bird that had somehow lodged in her teeth. Mjaska was summarily christened "Mjaska Red-Feather" at camp later that evening as the team ruminated over the battle. Deciding that it was time to wander again, Mjaska departed the Reach and journeyed northward to Solitude, where she initially planned to stay for a while. This changed when she began talking with all of the mariners and travelers that came in from the docks to relax and have a drink. With a newfound desire to experience some other part of Tamriel besides Skyrim, Mjaska found passage on a ship to High Rock, where she spent the next few years wandering the homeland of the Bretons. Presently, Mjaska has been following rumors and reports of widespread nightmares and shady assassins, eager to see how she measures up against yet another predicament.========================================================== Character 2 Name: Tadrinas Canderrus Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf) Gender: Male Age: 22 Appearance: 5'5''; dark, walnut brown hair, shoulder length and usually ponytailed; peachy, tanned skin tone; large, vibrant, bright green eyes; slim, mousy nose; thin, creased lips; gaunt cheeks; slender jawline; pointed chin; small, pointed ears; lean, athletic body. Skills: Sneak, Marksman (archery), Short Blade, Unarmored, Security (lockpicking and disarming traps), Athletics, Observation (see background); Woodsman Alchemy (common recipes and tricks shared and learned by those that travel the wilds). Equipment: Dark brown cloth jerkin small pockets, matching breeches; rough, black leather gloves; simple, brownish rawhide boots; an oak recurve bow; iron- or steel-tipped arrows when able to acquire them, improvised wooden arrows (i.e. sharpened sticks) when not; a silver-plated wakizashi with two rubies adorning either side of the hilt just below the blade; a steel dagger with a modest shock enchantment. Homeland: Bruma, Cyrodiil Personality: Happy-go-lucky and in good cheer most of the time. Has a tendency to treat serious situations lightheartedly and as a result may sometimes make inappropriate attempts at humor. Although still mentally immature in quite a few aspects, does display the patience and methodical nature that befits someone in his line of work. Is quite hard to upset, and often tries to turn people's attempts at belittlement into insult competitions. On the other hand, all of the childish mannerisms he displays can make it difficult to get him to take a serious situation seriously. Can sometimes be quite boastful. This results in him sometimes shrugging off mistakes as coming with the territory without bothering to take lessons away from said mistakes. In spite of this, he does possess a certain observational intelligence that aids him in discerning things such as when seemingly innocuous interactions are about to get violent, what spots of terrain may offer advantages during combat, and when someone might be lying. Backstory: Tadrinas was born to Imperial Bruma nobleman Dancuius Canderrus and his Bosmeri wife Miradel. Due to the uncommon racial coupling of his parents, Tadrinas led a multi-colored childhood that provided a few friends with which to play as well as plenty of ridicule from the strong Nordic population. From a young age, Tadrinas showed a certain intelligence for solving problems, and would often learn new children's games simply by watching other kids play them. This fostered him learning how to read the kids themselves, and he became known for being able to predict what the other kids would do by the time he reached his early adolescence. Being of noble blood, Tadrinas was destined for the best classical education his parents could muster, and the result was him spending many long hours reading the books in his father's study. Dancuius also began instructing him in swordcraft when he turned twelve. At first, he was required to practice with a traditional longsword, but Dancuius eventually let him adopt a shorter blade after the young Bosmer continuously expressed his distaste for the longer weapon. In time, he proved to be competent with a blade, although it was evident he still had much to learn. At the persistent urging of Miradel, Decuius also consented to letting Tadrinas learn one of the Bosmers' best skills - archery. Unsurprisingly, Tadrinas took to it quite well, being among the best in the city by age seventeen. In one instance, another nobleman challenged the young Bosmer to an archery contest, with the loser having to surrender his bow to the victor. Without consulting his father, Tadrinas agreed and wagered his traditional curved shorbow against the noble's ornate recurve oak bow. Tadrinas won the contest by a modestly impressive margin, and the nobleman honored his end of the bargain by sending the elf home with his bow. His father often brought him along on hunts, and he learned much about the surrouding terrain as well as basic survival skills on extended excursions. Being a bright young kid, Tadrinas quickly became disillusioned with the notion that being a nobleman's son would always be all fun and games. The parties and social gatherings Decuius was obligated to host did little to intrigue Tadrinas, who became increasingly mischievous as he aged. He began running around much longer and much later, shirking his chores and duties, and occasionally getting into trouble with the local Guard. Even when confined to the house or sometimes just his own quarters, Tadrinas found interesting ways to pass the time, such as improvising lockpicks out of forks and practicing on his chests. This led to a hobby of nighttime infiltration of people's homes, but rarely to actually steal anything. Most of the time, he would just leave goofy messages or rearrange items on tables, and then he would snicker whenever he would later hear people talking about ghosts playing pranks on them. Tadrinas's observational skills kept improving during his teenage years, and he was often able to tell his parents information about their contemporaries that they had no knowledge of and often times didn't even want to know. His practical-joke burgling also did bring one instance of good fortune to the Bruma Guard, as he stumbled across a man's skooma stash and notified the authorities later that day. Not long after Tadrinas's nineteenth birthday, Decuius and Miradel had the latest in a long line of arguments over their son's direction in life. Decuius stubbornly insisted that he remain in Bruma and prepare to carry on the family name, but Miradel contended that Tadrinas's behavior would hardly befit a nobleman and showed no signs of changing. After a lengthy debate, Decuius partially conceded and the two came to a compromise. Tadrinas would be turned loose on his own to travel wherever he wished for a few years on the condition that he would later return and give his parents an honest answer regarding if he preferred to stay a wanderer or accept a life of relative ease as a city noble. When Tadrinas was informed of this, his eyes lit up and he immediately set to preparing for departure. Decuius even offered to have Tadrinas's favorite steel dagger enchanted for him, and he readily accepted. A short while later, Tadrinas was the proud owner of a new shock-enchanted dagger, courtesy of his father's coffers and the castle mage. He also adopted a simpler attire that he came to modify with pockets. Filled with excitement, Tadrinas departed into the world, electing to head south to the Orange Road and take it west toward Chorrol. He even rationed himself only a small stash of gold, confident that he would be able to support himself once that ran out. He spent a short while in Chorrol, experiencing everything from the local cuisine, to the Fighters Guild, to women. After spending all of the gold he had brought from Bruma, he turned to odd thievery jobs as a source of income. His last job featured him breaking into a well-to-do man's abode to steal a fancy jeweled, silver-plated wakizashi that the man had received as a present from a friend out east. After obtaining the weapon, Tadrinas liked its design so much, that he elected to keep it for himself. He skipped town later that day. While reading in his father's study, Tadrinas had taken a liking to a series of adventure books set in the province of High Rock. While Miradel had done her best to educate him on the Bosmeri homeland of Valenwood, she was a native Cyrodiilic herself and had never journeyed there - leaving something to be desired of it's appeal to the boy. With High Rock not far away and his curiosity about the region piqued by the books, he decided to see if it was as intriguing a place as the stories made it seem. After about a year and a half after first arriving in High Rock, Tadrinas began having horrible nightmares that seemingly began coming out of nowhere. Once he learned that he wasn't alone in it, he became very curious about what could be causing them. He thought that maybe some sort of Daedra was responsible, but didn't know for sure. Indeed, he knew little about many things beyond what was in his father's books. Edited January 17, 2015 by SoulofChrysamere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoulofChrysamere Posted January 16, 2015 Share Posted January 16, 2015 (edited) Accidental double-post of above character sheets. Edited January 16, 2015 by SoulofChrysamere Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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