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Who is your charecter in oblivion?


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Dont have much to say about PC lag.

To the OP:


I only have one character, but he is about as epic as you will ever know...


Elgaron- some know him as an Imperial Assassin, others see him as a 'Knight in Shining Armor'. He lives a two faced life, one in which he is a Knight who fights for the greater good. He has closed several oblivion gates with little trouble and occasionally helped a poor old lady cross a bridge, but this is as far as his valor and honorary deeds go. In his second life he is an assassin, who has killed over 1000 people. half of which were murders, he currently wants to kill The Gray Fox, then triumphantly rip down the wanted posters of him all around town. His skills with a sword are legendary, he can cast very powerful magic and his marksmanship skill is tremendous. As you may have also guessed his sneak and security skill are master level as well. He has a criminal bounty of over 100,000 crime gold. However his power is remarkable. Easily, Elgaron can massacre several Imperial Guards equiped only with a sword. He can destroy an army of them by summoning a meteor storm, killing them all (He got help from midas with that.) Elgaron's powerful is so great he will probably never be stopped, and will continue to kill.

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I have three characters running at the moment, all pretty new


Aliona is a cute(ish) red-headed Bosmer - she's a young ranger turned adventurer who loves a good dungeon drawl. She's a chaotic good kind of character, who has her heart in the right place but loathes rules and regulations. Currently clearing the area around the Imperial City to build up a better set of armor and weapons before trying to get to Jauffre. Very much a loner, she'd like a companion to talk to at home, but far prefers to solo dungeon-crawl.(Full FCOM install, plus a few additional quest mods which I hope to start at some point)


Astra is a red-headed Dunmer. She's another stealthy type, but somewhat more amoral than aliona, as she only has herself to please. Just left the ship in Sedya Neen (running Morroblivion).


Walks-on-Tiptoe is a trial character - a female Argonian using DrakeTheDragon's scripted feet and body mod. Again a stealthy type, but likely to specialise in underwater exploration.

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My character is a female Moonshadow Elf named Silver.

She specializes in mostly heavy melee, her weapon of choice is either Umbra or a Fine Steel Claymore. She is a Vampire that tried not to let that come in the way of her saving Cyrodiil from Mehrunes Dagon. She is skilled with any type of weaponry, from blunt to unarmed.


She is humble and lives in a small shack in the Imperial City Waterfront, sometimes spending day after day after day in there agonizing with her curse and struggling with her inner self. Just like Janus Hassildor, she is noble and kind, but must still satisfy her needs. She prefers to avoid confrontation with the law and feeds as discreetly as possible, mostly upon the homeless, in the dead of night. She fears the sun but has learned to overcome that fear through much determination and practice.

She is probably one of the most powerful vampires around, defeating Umbra in an epic swordfight and then taking down Mankar Cameron with relative ease. She is a master of Destruction and other magical schools. She hunts down other vampires who would do harm, and seeks to cleanse Tamriel of all evil creatures of Daedric nature.

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This is an update to one of my more frequently used characters I listed before, Christian Marquardt. First, here's a pic of him below, before and after (left and right respectively):




Sorry, I know the resolution on my computer sux, that's the armor and sword from Lost Paladins of the Divines, which actually looks pretty amazing at higher resolution. But anyway...while Christian was already the champion of Cyrodiil, Divine Crusader, and Prince of Madness (though he has yet to visit the Shivering Isles since being named as such), he still suffered from occasional morale ambiguity. Despite having only excessive fame and no infamy to speak of, he found himself obsessively drawn to wine, women, and the hoarding of property, posessions, and gold. After reading "Lost Paladins of the Divines", though, he vowed that the time had come for him to devote himself completely to the "path of light", and forsake worldly pleasures. After completing his quest to obtain the "Heaven armor", he split up his properties among his various companions (basically assigning one each to every different home he owned) and set out to battle evil, disregarding the risks or potential rewards, for good is it's own reward.


I know being a paladin doesn't necessarily mean having to forsake love or material wealth, but I like the idea of having a character be truly "good", even at the cost of having no companions or accepting quests that have virtually no reward to speak of. The fight for good is everything... :thumbsup:

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None of my characters are truly Good. Save maybe for the Guard i listed before, But still. My Characters aren't necessarily evil, they look out for others and moreover themselves. Their ruthless people though and what the public makes of them is typically evil, even if they do save Kvatch or Slay Mehrunes Dagon or Exterminate the Daedra or even Save all of Bloody Cyrodil...Their still viewed as Evil people by the public
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I have several, but the most advanced one I have is Anuuli, a Redguard assassin with skin as pale as a week old drowned corpse. Currently level 38.


Favorite bow: Confusing Target Painter - hits with a 15-foot area of effect with light and frenzy. She wiped out the Arcane University with a single shot.


Favorite blade: Icis Cycle - from Apachii Goddess Store Isis Silver Blade with a simple 25 point frost enchantment. It kills a Spider Daedra with a single hit.


Favorite outfit: Apachii Goddess Store Kali Sexy Skulls with Shield and strength enchantments, Embla shoes +10 agility, Embla gauntlets +10 strength, Oona's outfitters Seductress Pauldron +10 blade

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