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Suddenly deactivated eps's


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I started up Morrowind for the first time in about a year today and suddenly all my esp's are deactivated, wtf?!

I don't remember what I used to have active or if I had them in some special order (or if it have changed if so), I don't 'believe' it should be hard to uninstall that big graphic overhaul (don't remember the name but almost everyone use it as I understand it) and then reinstall that and spend a few hours searching for the other esps on google and hope I find what they do and if I had them installed.


Anyway, Is there any reserv list anywhere or anything like that because it would be so much easier?

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IIRC, you can use Wrye Mash to enable those mods associated with a particular save game.


AFAIK, Morrowind only stores activated mods in morrowind.ini (without a backup) so if your game files section is blank then Mash would be the only way to go.


Oh, and load order

Edited by Dragon32
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