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Suran Reborn


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Thanx for the comments Switch! hope some of the others in the forum like it 2, and realllllly hope that those items and the Seraphim rac can be included in this mod. BTW, i forgot to give skills and stuff so here they are:


Major skills:

Longsword, Block, Acrobatics, Athletics, Heavy Armor


all of the rest don't matter.



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Hey, heres a an idea that i thought might be cool:


Why not have a quest involving a war or battle between some of the new npcs. light versus dark or summat?

The player could choose what side to fight for, and have different repercussions for each way.


as always, if ya like it say so, if ya don't then don'd :D

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Reborn, your idea for the mod seems exactly like one of the features of the mod i'm working on. The team is currently searching for people to work on it, and if you modelled all of the stuff on your site i think you would have a welcome place on the team. We are still searching for staff (almost done but always open to newcomers) and i you would get LOADS of work. Go to the site on my sig for more info. PM me if you want a proper rundown.
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Sorry for the sudden dissapernce folk works a killer at the mo :lol:


Anyway here we go.................


New people to be included


The new memebrs who have contacted me with a little bit about themeselves are going to be included. Remeber IF YOU DO NOT CONTACT ME WITH A LITTLE BIO ON YOURSELF YOU WILL NOT BE ADDED

We have loveme4whoiam, AdamNeko, Dementia Warrior, Darmoth, DementiaMaster, The Dr <you know who you are :P> and Malchik <sorry dude if I spelt your name wrong :( > The rest of you who have put your Morrowind details PLEASE PM WITH A LITTLE BIT ABOUT YOURSELFS If not Im afraid that I will have no option but to not include you. Im sorry about that but I want this to be a plugin that reflects the MW Source community NOT some uber morowind character you want to live out :lol: B)


People who will be included.


These people are going to be included no matter what.


Dark0ne, Daerk, Theta, Stampy, Switch, Marxist male without a father, ArtKing1239, thanateros, wesaynothin, Peregrine, Shakkara, _Thomas, Ciddy, I Am That Is Matthias, Death_Penalty and myself.


Why are the above people going to be included no matter what?


Well these people <IMHO> are the people that I have come to know <to a certain degree> pretty well. Why I said for all the new blood to post there Morrowind characters THEN PM me with some bio is because I have NO idea what you are like. Once again I want this plugin to be a Morroiwnd <as in-game> version of this forum. Where the charcters of my mod will be AS CLOSE A REPRESENTATION OF THE PEOPLE THAT ARE BEING PORTRAYED.


/rant finished


On a lighter note i have re-done the water front of Suran <again> so those who received the plugin I will send out a new one in the coming days.


Re inclusion of other mods into this one


Reborn87; Im really considering including said mods but alas I may not. I want this mod ONLY to need to use the Morrwind ESM and only contain the basics of the Morrowind ESM files <as no new meshes, character models etc>. I MAY change my mind but..... I think about it. Thanks for the idea anyway Reborn87 :D B)


I thank all of you for posting. I hope I will please you all when I release this <as full not beta/alpha releases> as Im really enjoying making this.


Just remeber this....




This is HeLLL riding out of on the mystical Donkey of Retardness +3 into the milky black sunset. :huh: B)



<Edit: Darmoth,DementiaMaster, the Dr, Death_Penalty added>

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Hello, my cousin told about this site for MW and the mod your doing, and I had to be a part of it!


Name: Dementia Master

Level: 20

Race: Nord

Birthsign: The Lover

Armor: Glass (All except for the helm)

Weapon: Throwing Darts




"Want some pillows?"

"Can't get anywhere without a pillow!"

"No pillows? DIE FOOL!!!!!"




Sells Pillows next to his dear cousin, Dementia Warrior. Strafs to the left and right from time to time. Kind of looks like he's doing a little dance.

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This is HeLLL riding out of on the mystical Donkey of Retardness +3 into the milky black sunset.  :huh:  B)

For some reason, that is actually very funny when you think of it.

HeLLL, I salute your silly.

/HeLLL blushes.


Why thank you AdamNeko. Ive never had anyone salute me.


/HeLLL bows

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Hmm wasn't I gunna help in testing this? Or did I misunderstand you? I haven't received anything from you recently :P if you forgot my email it's [email protected]... however if I'm just not to be included in testing that's fine too. *Huddles up in a corner and sobs*



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