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Snow Elf Child


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I started a new character recently. I have never role played skyrim, just did quests, but now I want to try and Get immersed. I never personally wanted to play as a snow elf, But I think that the adoptable children are lacking. Ive seen argonian children, khajiit, orc. No snow elves. Id love to have my own snow elf daughter. It would be sweet if she was a vampire, Hoping someone will make this.

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Snow elf children would be really cute indeed. But making children from scratch is very hard. The brows, the eyes morph and also new head mesh needed if it was to be made to look like an elf, so you know, it wouldn't be just an albino kid, not a snow elf. That harder to make than a new armor and weapon.


This mod has a bosmer girl and a very pale dunmer boy, not the same, but I think your snow elf can still connect with them well. Because there is only one of them around like him/her http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/61300/?

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