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So can you gamble at Primm?

Yes, but you gotta get to that point


I don't believe you can gamble at primm actually. You would need chips and they don't have a chip refund thing, and none of their stuff works for gambling.

guess I'll just have to return my 1/4 million chips to the casino in Prim


where I won them.



BTW since this isn't in the spoilers forum


I cannot tell you how.

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who buys an RPG / shooter exclusively for the gambling? :I


Seeing as how the original poster was banned for piracy related posts I doubt he bought anything.

Haha, touché.

Still though, there's enough games of chance online, some of them with real money - why get a game as big as NV and only play it for the casinos?

I guess we'll never know... :C

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If you play, can't you get like a high roller status? That would make it worth playing in game.


Either way I had wondered if my game was bugged as I've had no access to play at Primm when I was getting impressions around that you could. I believe there was a cap limit/buy in in New Vegas but I didn't know it would apply across the wasteland.

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So can you gamble at Primm?

Yes, but you gotta get to that point


I don't believe you can gamble at primm actually. You would need chips and they don't have a chip refund thing, and none of their stuff works for gambling.

guess I'll just have to return my 1/4 million chips to the casino in Prim


where I won them.



BTW since this isn't in the spoilers forum


I cannot tell you how.






Did you make Primm Slimm Sheriff? I don't believe I have this option with Meyers, but then I haven't been to Primm often, hafta go back...


*end spoilers*

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To my fellow gambler's lend me your Chips...



The very first casino/hotel that can be accessed is the Atomic Wranger complete with a free Player room at the end of a very humorus quest chain. It is right across from the Silver Rush in Freeside, same cell as the Kings's HQ.


You either need to be in Good Rep with NCR for the monorail ride into the Strip, or show the Securation 2k in Caps for entrance.


Your next stop in gambleing sites should be the Gammorah, across from the Lucky 38 in the Vegas Strip cell. A very seedy casion with Strip Club and the usual games. Home of the Omerta Family. The Courtyard houses the Workin' Girls. Win enough and get the Key to the High Roller Suite. Win too much and get banned. "Smells of Sex and Alcohol"- Gambler


Next would be through the gate leading down the Strip to the Tops Casino. The Tops provides a much higher standard as they have a Showroom that will feature acts you can find in the wasteland (found during quest chain), the regular casino games. Home to the Chairmen and lead by Benny. Yes Man also located in this location. As with the Gammorha you can win enough to get a Key to the Pres. Suite if you do not get it from Benny himself. Possible ban after winnings hit 9000.


Finallly the last Casino on the list and the most posh is the Ultra-Luxe caters only to High Society. Home of the White Glove Society and decadence is in no short of abundance. Winning here means a key to the High Roller suite, with a possible ban if you win over 12k.


All the Casino's except for the Atomic Wrangler have Doormen that take your guns. Outside of Gammorah is a "buisnessman" that can provide concealed weaponary that the security check will miss. A few words on being armed in the Casino. Do noy have the weapon "visable" IE equiped on your person. Simply tag it with a hotkey and leave it in the Inventory. If you fail to hide your smuggled weapons the security will shoot on site, and until your Rep with the Strip faction improves you will be banned from the Casino.



Caravan sucks until its fixed, Ignore it for now which is easy cause the Casino's do not allow this game to be played inside their walls.

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