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Japanese House


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Hi all, I am looking for the Japanese House mod, the one near Vivec. I looked everywhere and either the websites are gone or a site asks me to create an account and it doesn't let me. If someone could host the house mod on the Nexus, that would be amazing. If you have the mod in your data folder, but don't know how to upload it, send to me at [email protected]. Thank you and have a nice day.

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Glad I could help.


MMH is a great place for Morrowind mods. Thanks to the efforts of lots of people a lot of mods from defunct sites (PES, ElricM, Gamers Roam, Euromorrowind, TheLys...) are preserved there. If you've managed to keep hold of some of the older Morrowind mods (and based on the fact you were asking for this one I guess you played the game back in the day) then have a look and maybe upload some, there's a thread on the Official forum which gets a lot of requests like this: Mod Detectives.

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