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Issue with HUD letter sizing (oHud, Darnifiedv4, UIO, EWI's text pack)


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Hi everyone :smile:


I'm having a bit of a problem getting the HUD sizing down from the original default size. I watched Gopher's videos on oHud and how it worked with Darnified and UIO and it seemed pretty foolproof and I was just the fool to prove it!

Unfortunately, I am only able to get the compass portion of the UI to change lettering to the proper new size with the remaining screen info all still default sized. The UI seems to work properly other than this one thing; I can move info to where I want on the screen, turn the HUD on/off, move the clock, control the color, everything.

Needless to say I have no idea why only one thing changed size while the others won't. I rerolled a new character to try again, thinking the saved game (about 5 hours worths) was corrupted somehow, but after making it the UI still will not go to the Darnified version of size (I'm guessing that's the mod making it smaller), although I can still move the new info around like before.

My goal is to play through the game once on Hard with minimal mod support (just want to change the textures with EWIs huge text pack) and the HUD. I'm not interested in doing anything right now other than visual changes really (no Godmode cheats, companions, new questlines or new weapons skins) so I only have the two versions of oHUD (main and Darnified patch), UIO, Mod Configuration Menu, EWI's pack and Darnifiedv4.

Attached a pic to show what it looks like atm and thanks for any suggestions/solutions.

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Thanks for replaying 2much.

As far as changes, all I did was download UIO first, then downloaded/installed Darn. I didn't make any actual changes because I was under the impression that UIO makes all that stuff work without any need to alter files from what Gopher was saying in the video. Am I wrong about that?

If so, what is the process to change the ini?

Edited by ADadSupreme
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UIO keeps you from repeatedly having to redo the Darn specified ini changes, but you still have to make those changes at least once.


Same page as the download. Just copy and paste in the specified ini. You might have to reinstall the oHud patch for Darns.


Cool user name btw :smile:

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I heard this modding community was friendly, thank you for validating that rumor :)


I will give the ini a try and thanks very much. Only issue I've had this far; no crashing or freezing like I see other people posting so if this is all it is, I will be extremely happy.

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Thanks 2much, your advice was spot on.


I used that video of Gophers called "Modding Fallout NV Ultimate Edition Part 1" along with your advice and once I changed the first .ini file as you and he instructed, I gave the game a check to see if anything changed and it was perfectly fixed. I did NOT change any more of the files that he said to do because I figured (maybe wrongly) that with UIO that was now no longer needed because it updated the other things automatically. The only thing I did do was when he says to go into the Documents to change the next .ini and Pref file, I didn't copy over what was there because it said "this file is read only".


When I tried to restart from NVSE, it asked if I wanted to change the .ini from ready only and guessing... I said 'yes', the game started up and the fonts were golden. Logged out again. Rechecked the Documents folder and to my surprise, the files were automatically changed to what Gopher said, both the .ini and Pref files.


Logged back into the game, did a few loads of previous plays included a new one for test, and the font is rock steady as Freddy. Since it appears the font is stable, I'm guessing that it's now the UIO that's taking over and I don't have to follow the rest of the vid for more changes.


That sound about right?

Edited by ADadSupreme
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Yep. Before UIO I was constantly resetting the fonts to Darns every time I changed something. UIO does a good job with Darns now. I lost Darns


yesterday, but just reinstalled OUI and it was fixed. Gopher also says OUI is the replacement for his uHud. Good gaming ADadSupreme!

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