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Save games are getting bigger...and bigger


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So I started Morrowind plus MGSO megapack (patch, mods,etc)


and the early save games were 1000k


in last few days my save games have gone from 3000k to now 4000k

I have, over time, added a few mods:


Alchemy Storage Helper

epic balmora

intervention improved

mage teleport spell

higher carry wieght mod

area effects arrow.

no weight arrows


but tha it is not a lot.


what is causing save games to get bigger?


is this bad?




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It's normal. To have a look at what's recorded in your save game grab Enchanted Editor (and manual) from Morrowind Modding History. Every cell you visit gets added to your savegame (your PC can move items around in cells) and NPCs too (you can kill them or steal from them) and a bunch of other stuff I forget.


As you travel around more stuff gets added to your save game.


There's some stuff in the EE manual about how you can reduce the size of a savegame, but the stuff is saved in there for a reason.

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I once completed all the three MQs and travelled extensively, and it reached nearly 10MBs. But the game ran fine actually.


If you use Wrye Mash, you can see which take up the most data Right-click on save > Statistics. In my current save, Cell data and map data constitute about 50% of the size followed by NPC and Dialogue/journal.

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