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Directx 9


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So after hearing many people say that Oblivion was actually a better game that Skyrim I've decided to try it but I can't deal with vanilla Oblivion graphics.


On the OBSE download page it says that I need directx 9. I don't want to downgrade but I was told I could run 9 and it won't downgrade my current version of Directx. Problem is when I try to install 9 my computer says I already have the latest version and doesn't give me the option to proceed. Which tells me that I probably didn't want to anyway.


Can anybody help me out here? Thanks.

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How are you trying to install DirectX 9c ... using the web installer or the runtime redistributable ?


Installing DirectX 9c will only enable old games and utilities to access it's features ... you will still also have your current version of DirectX for modern games etc.

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I've just been having the exact same problem - trouble is, after installing the DX9 redistributable Oblivion just crashes on startup. I tried deleting the whole game, mods and all, but even after reinstalling it still crashes. Windows 7 64 bit by the way. Can anyone help?

Edit: Never mind, deleted Oblivion.ini and it works again

Edited by thebigtw
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