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Skyrim Mods Have Destroyed Skyrim (SKE, And Skyrim Character Manager)


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Please help me. I want both of these mods off of my computer forever. http://static.zenimax.com/forums.bethsoft.com/public/style_emoticons/default/frown.gif

They won't let me start Skyrim. . . and I can't find the files in my documents to get rid of Skyrim Character Manager.

For the love of all that is Nord, please help me!

Edited by JoezzaHawke
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There's no need to shout. Have you tried running a search for anything with the Skyrim Character Manager name or looked in your windows programs add/remove function for it and used that? If that doesn't work you're best off going to the specific thread for Skyrim Character Manager and posting your problem uninstalling it there.


As for SKSE it installs into the base skyrim directory, where you're game exe is, though unlike Skyrim Character Manager it's actually a well loved mod that's required for good reason by many many popular and stable mods (so you might want to rethink ditching it and instead look at number of endorsements for a mod before downloading it).

Edited by Oubliette
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How those mods can destroy Skyrim?


IT's just an assumption I'm making because I can't find anyway to directly follow the instructions listed in the mod to uninstall either, Skyrim never goes past the introductory logo, and SKSE, and Skyrim Character Manager were the last mods I downloaded. I did what I could to remove SKSE but I don't have a clue how to really do either since I think I've already gotten rid of SKSE.


Skyrim Character Management's instructions for getting rid of it'self doesn't work for me.

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And alawys use manager Nmm or MO.

forgot to add "if you want to avoid tedious troubleshooting" to that. most people can easily mod without either one.


by the way your problem is the Skyrim Character Manager not SKSE.


anyways since you have installed SCM manually and cant seem to get rid of it. one easy way to fix the issue would be to uninstall Skyrim (and its mods, screen shot the load order or write it down so you know exactly what order to install and organize everything so you do ruin the save.) and then go to the games folder and delete everything but the save files. then reinstall the game and its mods.

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