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friend of night


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I have the 360 version. I try to play a sniper/assassin type character, so this is one of the first perks I took.

IMO, it does make it easier to navigate the Wasteland at night. Much easier, in fact. Otherwise, @ night outside it looks almost like a "darker nights" mod was being used!

Dev's absolutely took some of their ideas from the most popular Fallout 3 mods! (CRAFT, CALIBR, FWE, etc.)


But yeah, I think Friend of Night is a worthwhile perk to get. The earlier, the better (if you explore/sneak a lot).

Also...unrelated but helpful: You can buy a Night Vision Scope modification for the Varmint Rifle...as well as a Flash Hider and Extended Magazines. Low-ish damage gun, but a good sniping gun if you're sneaking and get the critical hit bonus!

(Headshots FTW!!! :biggrin:)


Do you know if it's possible to join the NCR Rangers faction? They're my kind of people! (Snipers).

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