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Native English


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English is my native tongue, although I don't actually speak it (or any other language). However, German was the language requirement I chose for my degree, and I have a very basic understanding of a variety of other languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Greek, Dutch, Finnish, and Gaelic, and I'm in the process of trying, on my own, to learn a little Japanese. I'll never be a translator for any of those, but, given time, I can make my way through documents written in them. I've also come to the conclusion that Australian English is a completely different language from English and I'm studying that, too, since I have an Australian friend and we seem to have a language gap -- he doesn't understand ASL and I don't understand him half the time, although I love his accent. :)
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I can speak Farsi really well as it is my native tongue, though I can also speak a bit of Japanese, enough so I don't humiliate myself if I ever decide to travel to Japan. My English is really great compared to the rest of my family and I got a high mark.
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I speak a bit of Gaelic, and am extremely fluent in Engrish.


Engrish is one of my favorit languages-a bit of this language, a bit of that language, and a lot of funny mistranslations.

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English, although it's not my native tongue, is definetly the language I feel the most comfortable in. If it shows, however, is an entirely different matter. :happy:


Besides that, I'm fluent in Swedish (although I often feel I need someone to follow me along and translate. Preferably a robot who also dispenses tobacco) and an itty-bitty bit of French, albeit so horrendeus to the native ear that I'd never actually consider using it within earshot of a Frenchman. I've also made a few staggering attemps at picking up proper Russian, mostly for ancestral purposes and because I love the way it sounds and feels.


Dad took a shot at learning Arabic, which might be a possible project for the future. There's so many languages out there to learn... It's like when I came to the horrifying conclusion that I'll never be able to read every single book ever written back when I was seven and began to read properly.

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My first language was English, and I hope to become very refined in that regard.


But my second tongue was Korean, and I'm kind of fluent in that.

I also took 4 weeks of German, and learned a surprisingly large amount.

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Я знаю и говорю на русском, может быть забыл что-то за два года, но я говорю на русском дома c семьёй.


I know and speak Russian, maybe I forgot something in two years, but I speak in Russian at home.


English is my main now, but Russian is my first language.

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английски это мой первый и основной я узнал это исправить мой акцент откуда я attempted где я пытался выучить японский


English is my first and main I learned it to fix my accent from where I had attempted to learn Japanese

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Russian sure sounds great, I'd like to learn it, but I'm having a hard time remembering all those symbols. It sounds great in my years and my sister is crazy about it to, but the only teacher we is our grandma and she forgot most of it. :sweat:
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